One of the reasons I wanted to start this site was the slow disappearance of all things SST related.
If you do a web search on the terms SST / TLR / StarshipTraders / IOResort most of the entries returned are links from Web Game directories. After weeding through all these you may (if you’re lucky) find a link to something like The Wog’s old website or similiar.
The only other available sources of content are the two (three?) yahoo groups dedicated to these games… however, due to a lack of moderators, these groups only seem to be an endless source of spam.
So what can we do about this, what are our options?
1) Create new fansites! – Easy to do, however they never seem to last.
2) Get some blogs going – Even easier to do, go to,, and start writing. Blogs don’t have to have a single author/owner, and most can be imported into other blogs if something better comes along.
3) Share information and links – If you’ve got some info, get it posted somewhere!
I did some Web trawling earlier, and found an interesting players guide written by EMPNEFSI about two years ago. The original guide can be found here, but I’ve archived a copy here as well.
The trawling also turned up some blogs… World of Starship Traders, and a couple of old Vet’s appear to have started blogs. One of these vets appears to have had a Nimrod problem as well!
If you know of any fansites I don’t have listed, let me know… If you have any (constructive) ideas for this site, feel free to pass them on.
Speaking of ideas… I’m considering writing a Bunker Buster plugin for TLF. The idea is that a random bunker location will be revealed once a week… what happens to the bunker then is anyones guess. To be fair, all bunkers will be included, no Team or player favourism. No details of who the bunker belongs to, or the strength of the defences will be revealed by the plugin. Readers will be able to submit new bunker locations. 😀
Hi there! Do I know you from Tsarwars/SST?
Probably not, I only really started playing about 5 years ago.
When I first got interested in writing a client, other players often talked about you and your client, and the screenshots on your old site helped to inspire the radio features.
“5.4 Using the client port for writing a client
I’ll get to this tomorrow. If Brutus hasn’t killed me by then.”
Guess Empnefsi was killed by Brutus 🙂
Looks like a conspiracy to me 🙁
While searching for info about the game shutdown announcement, I came across this amusing interview with Ray and Kat…