TLR-20070702-6W Rankings

Nice quiet round… couple of returning players have hinted that they’re going to kick butt next round! 😀

Oh, and it’s not a mistake, there were no teams at the end of this round?

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
BESTARK                  Gambler's Anonymous[---]   1  CFp   61780626  Umbriel
QUIETLY                  Shhhh!             [---]   2  CFp   54686457  Titania
POKEY                    Try Space Tyrant!  [---]   3  CFp   49811249  Ophelia
FELYZA                   Space Tyrant+3     [---]   4  SCr   34447605  368001s
DRYLAR                   Lieutenant+1       [---]   5  SFr   25822667  272001s
BULL_831                 Commander+4        [---]   6  HFr   25063259       1s
SLOW RIDE                Voyager+9          [---]   7  Fpa   22038719  Miranda
REDWOLF                  Mercenary+1        [---]   8  SLi   19562737  272001s
BLOOD HUNTER             Ensign+8           [---]   9  HFr   12043902  160001s
KORIAND'R                +Tamaranian+       [---]  10  HCr   11618050  112001s