TLR-20070924-6W Rankings

Another round has passed… no teams this round…

BUT, we’ve been promised a return of the game settings that TLR originally had! 1000+ productivity guaranteed in every resort.

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
WYNDROSE                 Explorer+6         [---]   1  JPl   20154184       Io
BULL_831                 Minor Tyrant+4     [---]   2  HFr   14843699  240001s
BATU KHAN                Lord of All Things [---]   3  Fan    7965139       Io
BESTARK                  +Czar+             [---]   4  Spo    6506009  Titania
KRAZY                    +Czar+             [---]   5  Fan    5482269       Io
BABYLON 5                Warlord+0          [---]   6  Fan    5430798       Io
MISDIRECTION             Tourist+0          [---]   7  Fan    5412920       Io
TANADOR                  Tourist+0          [---]   8  Fan    5410756       Io
DAMIAN                   Tourist+0          [---]   9  Fan    5408760       Io
SILVER                   Tourist+0          [---]  10  Fan    5407647       Io

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