Rankings from Round 3 of TLR

The round is over… congrats to D00B1E (Artemis) for taking out the top spot!

As for me, I was only running a single ship part time this round… and I still managed to get a better score/ranking than proper players like BULLET (I guess he shot himself in the foot with that statement (pun intended))

Here’s the top 10, the full list is on the next page.

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
D00B1E                   Predator+8         [RCB]   1  CFp   53213320  400001s
KEEPYERAIRON             Assassin+0         [HT3]   2  Fpa   47862302       1s
SEDGEWICK                THIRD BY A WHISKER [I_O]   3  CFp   46678521   80001s
AFROMAN                   (in hospital)     [HT3]   4  CFp   46628649  400001s
BOOM BOOM                Ruffian+7          [HT3]   5  Fan   45472267  240001s
G00B1E                   Predator+1         [RCB]   6  CBp   42995081       1s
MIGHTY QUIN              RegisteredTrademark[QRM]   7  JPr   41843136  240001s
CHAOS                    Ruffian+8          [---]   8  CBp   41408797  400001s
SPIDER2000               +Czar+             [---]   9  CGa   37555921   80001s
ZOOT_SUIT                +Czar+             [---]  10  JGa   36005212  480001s

For the full listing click here

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