Rankings from Round 5 of TLR

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
RAVEN                    The Morrigan       [---]   1  CGa   60693169       1s
SUNDANCE KID             Predator+0         [MOG]   2  CFp   60223732   80001s
SEA TUG                  Warlord+7          [NUG]   3  Por   56059023       1s
BOGUS BAT                +Czar+             [TF3]   4  Fpa   53041725  160001s
CHAMPION WOMBAT          +Czar+             [TF3]   5  Fpa   51146533  160001s
HUDSON CREAM             Barbarian+8        [AOA]   6  JFp   49038048   80001s
SKULLANDCROSSBONES       Mercenary+0        [DMG]   7  CBp   47964555   80001s
AYRADYSS                 +Overlord+         [AOA]   8  CPr   46610609   80001s
MANIC MOTH               +Czar+             [TF3]   9  Fpa   45251035   80001s
DUKS PRAM                +Czar+             [NUG]  10  JPr   42888674       1s
LOST AND FOUND           +Overlord+         [DMG]  11  Day   42412498       1s
SONG SUNG BLUE           +Overlord+         [AOA]  12  CPr   41527674  160001s
AMBER                    +Czar+             [AOA]  13  CPr   40958066  160001s
KAMIKAZE COWGIRL         +Czar+             [AOA]  14  CPr   39945758  160001s
HOTEL SECURITY           +Overlord+         [DMG]  15  JBp   37364966  160001s
VRITRA                   Outlaw+3           [DMG]  16  CFp   34817682  160001s
CAPTAINBLASTO            +Overlord+         [---]  17  CBp   33261620  160001s
CORNER HO                +Overlord+         [---]  18  JBp   30072073  160001s
JESSE JAMES              Outlaw+5           [MOG]  19  CFp   29930616  160001s

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SPACE MADDNESS           Hoodlum+7          [---]  20  Bpa   29112797  160001s
VISTA                    Barbarian+8        [AOA]  21  JGa   26368633   80001s
PRIVATEER                Tyrant+6           [NUG]  22  JGa   25608266       1s
F3LD_$P4R                Voyager+3          [DMG]  23  Fan   23171135  160001s
UMENDES                  Desperado+5        [---]  24  JBp   21703737       1s
GHOSTWATCH               Ruffian+6          [---]  25  JFp   21074672   80001s
AXE HANDLE               Hunter+7           [NUG]  26  Day   20968849  160001s
BADMAN                   Explorer+6         [---]  27  Bpa   20541598   80001s
ROUOL                    Hunter+9           [AOA]  28  JGa   19370140   80001s
BILLY THE KID            Explorer+9         [DMG]  29  JGa   18447718       1s
PRAVEENISAAC             Voyager+8          [AOA]  30  CBp   17595183  160001s
TARGETDRONE              Drifter+5          [---]  31  Day   16745961   80001s
NICKHALL                 Warlord+2          [NUG]  32  JFp   15141528   80001s
OCCAMSRAZOR              Drifter+0          [---]  33  Pol   15119460  240001s
PINTAIL                  Warmonger+2        [---]  34  JPr   14874980       1s
IFEELPRETTY              Wanderer+2         [---]  35  Day   14178775  240001s
SWAT                     Gladiator+3        [---]  36  Spo   14137409  160001s
MULEFOOT                 Scoundrel+4        [NUG]  37  Day   12667507       1s
ONE FIVE                 Nomad+1            [---]  38  Day   12630065       1s
TIGER SHARK              +Czar+             [---]  39  Por   11994906       1s

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ONE TWO                  Wanderer+5         [NUG]  40  JPl   11918926       1s
NUMBER 52                +Overlord+         [---]  41  Fan   10702548  240001s
SLIMM                    +Czar+             [---]  42  Day   10104716  240001s
BILLY BONES              Wanderer+7         [---]  43  Fan    9589724   80001s
DRIVEBY                  Scout+8            [---]  44  Fan    8335928  160001s
KRAZY                    Tycoon+1           [---]  45  Fan    8044967  240001s
SWAY AND TECH            Outcast+8          [---]  46  Day    7882907       1s
GULL                     Nomad+8            [---]  47  Fan    7433732   80001s
SPEAR                    Explorer+5         [---]  48  Trv    6916539  240001s
KORTEX                   Exile+8            [---]  49  Fpa    6645627   80001s
ONE THREE                Scout+3            [NUG]  50  Fan    6538899       1s
BOB SMITH                Exile+3            [---]  51  Spo    5892057       1s
GENGHISKHAN              Exile+5            [---]  52  Fan    5784919  160001s
BLOWNAWAY                Tourist+6          [---]  53  Trv    5768731  160001s
TRIVIAL                  Tourist+0          [---]  54  Fan    5737960  240001s
G00B1E                   Mercenary+1        [---]  55  Fan    5648589  160001s
HEAT SEEKER              Tourist+3          [---]  56  Fan    5623409       1s
TIGER CLAW               Tourist+0          [---]  57  Fan    5622394       1s
KRUSTY                   Tourist+5          [---]  58  Fan    5599406       1s
BESTARK                  +Overlord+         [---]  59  Fan    5546661       1s

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MADDAWG                  Tourist+1          [---]  60  Fan    5534125       1s
STICKMAN                 Tourist+0          [---]  61  Fan    5527417  240001s
DEEB                     Tourist+0          [---]  62  Fan    5502133   80001s
BEAGLE 2                 +Czar+             [---]  63  Fan    5495952  240001s
STICKS AN STONES         Tourist+1          [---]  64  Fan    5488779       1s
WOLFMAN380               +Czar+             [---]  65  Fan    5482713   80001s
ASAI_PSYREN              Tourist+0          [---]  66  Fan    5433752  160001s
DUDE SOMEGUY             Tourist+0          [---]  67  Fan    5425921  240001s
TOW                      Voyager+3          [---]  68  Fan    5416422  160001s
YTY                      Tourist+0          [---]  69  Fan    5408003  240001s
SAF                      Tourist+0          [---]  70  Fan    5401923   80001s
CREEPY                   Tourist+0          [---]  71  Fan    5400806   80001s
RADSA                    Tourist+0          [---]  72  Fan    5400765  240001s
COMERADE CHERIKOV        Tourist+0          [---]  73  Fan    5400690  240001s
MARTINSM                 Voyager+9          [---]  74  Fan    5400578  160001s
KILLERCOOL/SWAT          Tourist+0          [---]  75  Fan    5400428   80001s
PANZERFAUST              Tourist+0          [---]  76  Fan    5400428   80001s
SWEET RAPPA HOMEDAWG     Barbarian+3        [---]  77  Fan    5400428  160001s
XAV                      Tourist+0          [---]  78  Fan    5400428   80001s
RED SPIDER               +Overlord+         [---]  79  Fan    5400428   80001s

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LEELA                    Tourist+0          [---]  80  Fan    5400428  240001s
DEMO1                    Tourist+0          [---]  81  Fan    5400428       1s
BBI                      Tourist+0          [---]  82  Fan    5400428  240001s
GENE SHALIT              Nomad+0            [---]  83  Fan    5400428   80001s
ULIZEZ89                 Tourist+0          [---]  84  Fan    5400428       1s
PABLO                    Tourist+0          [---]  85  Fan    5400428       1s
BOBROD                   Tourist+0          [---]  86  Fan    5400428  240001s
BORAST                   Tourist+0          [---]  87  Fan    5400428   80001s
BREDIZZLE                Tourist+0          [---]  88  Fan    5400428  160001s
WHITEBULL                Tourist+0          [---]  89  Fan    5400428   80001s
MARCO_JEEZ               +Overlord+         [---]  90  Fan    5400428  160001s
CUNNYWATCHER             Tourist+0          [---]  91  Fan    5400428   80001s
COLDFORGE                Tourist+0          [---]  92  Fan    5400428  160001s
JOKER123                 Tourist+0          [---]  93  Fan    5400428  160001s
TARUN                    Tourist+0          [---]  94  Fan    5400428       1s
KRYBABY                  Tourist+0          [---]  95  Fan    5400428       1s
EVANWADE01               Tourist+0          [---]  96  Fan    5400428  240001s
LIFESATAN                Tourist+0          [---]  97  Fan    5400428       1s
BOT BET1                 +Czar+             [---]  98  Fan    5400428  160001s
BADPIRATE                Warlord+1          [---]  99  Fan    5400428       1s

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THEFINN                  Tourist+0          [---] 100  Fan    5400428  160001s
DJARUM                   Wanderer+1         [---] 101  Fan    5400428   80001s
MALAKAI                  Tourist+0          [---] 102  Fan    5400428  160001s
YUNOEHOWWEDO             Tourist+0          [---] 103  Fan    5400428  160001s
PANZER_SHADOW            Tourist+0          [---] 104  Fan    5400428   80001s
THATDAMNWOLF             Tourist+0          [---] 105  Fan    5400428       1s
LITTLE BURRO             +Czar+             [---] 106  Fan    5400428   80001s
SIVART                   Outlaw+3           [---] 107  Fan    5400428       1s
IRON KNIGHT              +Czar+             [---] 108  Fan    5400428  160001s
DIL                      Tourist+0          [---] 109  Fan    5400428   80001s
DANIEL9193               Tourist+0          [---] 110  Fan    5400428  160001s
NUMBER 7                 Squatter+5         [---] 111  Fan    5400428  160001s
ANANTHAGOPALAPILLAITHAYA Tourist+0          [---] 112  Fan    5400428  240001s
GLENNWIZ                 Tourist+0          [---] 113  Fan    5400428  240001s
NIKOLAI                  Tourist+0          [---] 114  Fan    5400428   80001s
GALACTIC COORDINATOR     Tourist+0          [---] 115  Fan    5400428   80001s
RELA                     Tourist+0          [---] 116  Fan    5400428  160001s
SHAFT121                 Tyrant+4           [---] 117  Fan    5400428   80001s
WARHELM                  Tourist+0          [---] 118  Fan    5400428  160001s
CIRCUSSTREET             Tourist+0          [---] 119  Fan    5400428  160001s

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CHEESEDUDE               Tourist+0          [---] 120  Fan    5400428  240001s
HOTEL RAIDER             Warrior+1          [---] 121  Fan    5400428  240001s
AAFREEN                  Tourist+0          [---] 122  Fan    5400428  160001s
I DONT GAMBLE            Desperado+7        [---] 123  Fan    5400428  160001s
DRAGONERO                Tourist+0          [---] 124  Fan    5400428   80001s
DRBOB                    Tourist+0          [---] 125  Fan    5400419   80001s
KRYZZO                   Tourist+0          [---] 126  Fan    5400391  240001s
ORGEL                    Tourist+0          [---] 127  Fan    5400391   80001s
GUEST                    Tourist+0          [---] 128  Fan    5400391   80001s
REDDRUM                  Tourist+0          [---] 129  Fan    5400391   80001s
NATH                     Tourist+0          [---] 130  Fan    5400391  240001s
FXVILLA                  Tourist+0          [---] 131  Fan    5400357   80001s
JESSON                   Tourist+0          [---] 132  Fan    5400354  240001s
ASDFG                    Tourist+0          [---] 133  Fan    5400354   80001s
ALO                      Tourist+0          [---] 134  Fan    5400354   80001s
LIFTER080                Tourist+0          [---] 135  Fan    5400325  240001s
STUDDOGGY69              Tourist+0          [---] 136  Fan    5400322  160001s
PIMP                     Tourist+0          [---] 137  Fan    5400316       1s
CALEB                    Tourist+0          [---] 138  Fan    5400282   80001s
RYANTHUSAR               Tourist+0          [---] 139  Fan    5400131  160001s

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JACKWALKER               Tourist+0          [---] 140  Fan    5400040   80001s
BUCK                     Tourist+0          [---] 141  Fan    5400020       1s
FACULA                   Tourist+0          [---] 142  Fan    5399903  160001s
WILLIAM H BONNIE         Tourist+0          [---] 143  Fan    5399734  240001s
VIRGILDESROOK            Tourist+0          [---] 144  Fan    5371413  160001s
PIERKOV                  Tourist+0          [---] 145  Fan    5367097   80001s
SJR                      Tourist+0          [---] 146  Fan    5212077  160001s
BATU KHAN                +Overlord+         [---] 147  Fan    5204600   80001s
ACTION WALRUS            Warrior+4          [---] 148  Fan    5144294  160001s
ARKER                    Exile+7            [---] 149  Fan    5089904       1s
GERBS                    Tourist+0          [---] 150  Fan    4975437   80001s
KILVATI                  Tourist+0          [---] 151  Fan    4892105       1s
RHODAX                   Tourist+0          [---] 152  Fan    4846272  160001s
WILDLANDER               Tourist+0          [---] 153  Fan    4833586       1s
MRDOG                    Tourist+0          [---] 154  Fan    4801584  160001s
BLACKNIGHT               Tourist+0          [---] 155  Fan    4787940       1s
FREELANCE                Tourist+0          [---] 156  Fan    4783773   80001s
LEACHER                  Tourist+0          [---] 157  Fan    4733774   80001s
HERO76                   Scoundrel+8        [---] 158  Fan    4722828       1s
DIREBMEM                 Gladiator+7        [---] 159  Fan    4712941   80001s

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AYRA                     Explorer+2         [---] 160  Fan    4547160       1s
SHAUNA                   Tourist+0          [---] 161  Fan    4521166   80001s
KATZHOME                 Tourist+0          [---] 162  Fan    4424019       1s
BRENT232                 Tourist+0          [---] 163  Fan    4383668  160001s
PLANETSHREDDER           Tourist+0          [---] 164  Fan    4379613  160001s
ICHIBAN1                 Tourist+0          [---] 165  Fan    4267115   80001s
CAYDA                    Tourist+0          [---] 166  Fan    4262534   80001s
KAYLANA                   (in hospital)     [---] 167  JPr    2441026  240001s
DOCTORCISCO               (in hospital)     [---] 168  Fan    1400590       1s
BADWILY                   (in hospital)     [---] 169  Fan    1400478  160001s
EXCAGERATED               (in hospital)     [---] 170  Fan    1400478   80001s

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y] 

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Angels of Amber                           [AOA]      1        281411
Dark Matter Guild                         [DMG]      2        205754
Nudges against upgrades and gambling      [NUG]      3        191787
THE FABULOUS FIG FIGHTERS                 [TF3]      4        149438
Meeting of Giants                         [MOG]      5         90153

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y] 

There are 11157 Pantrys (7973 abandoned) and 100641 machines 
(87067 abandoned) in the 288000 Hotel Rooms producing daily:

   37640K boxes of iron
   37480K boxes of alcohol
   28293K boxes of hardware

There are 170 active traders (166 well, 4 hospitalized).  They are
guarded by 815641 milibots.  The Universe contains 2424 Kiosks.
The abandoned debris of 61 battles litters the Universe.

There are 439 fleets, 32 bunkers, and 37 securitybots deployed
throughout the Universe with a total strength of 761090 milibots.

There have been 1212437 transactions performed in this 42-day game.

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y] 

      The 1s  contain   39  residents and forces equal to   511912 milibots
  The 80001s  contain   52  residents and forces equal to   439403 milibots
 The 160001s  contain   49  residents and forces equal to   604269 milibots
 The 240001s  contain   26  residents and forces equal to    21147 milibots

3 Replies to “Rankings from Round 5 of TLR”

  1. There were only five teams throughout,- and less players than the previous game. It really is about time we got a different, more playable format. The current one is only serving to drive players away.
