Rankings from Round 6 of TLR

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
KAMIKAZE COWGIRL         +Overlord+         [AOA]   1  CPr   50034426       1s
HUDSON CREAM             Warmonger+1        [BAR]   2  CFp   49901982   80001s
HOTEL RAIDER             Warlord+5          [AOA]   3  CBp   45503274   80001s
UBERTRADER               Barbarian+0        [---]   4  CFp   41218643  160001s
SONG SUNG BLUE           +Overlord+         [AOA]   5  CPr   40230197  240001s
AYRADYSS                 +Overlord+         [AOA]   6  CPr   38537449  160001s
AMBER                    +Overlord+         [AOA]   7  CPr   33534725       1s
SMOKER                   Outlaw+6           [TBB]   8  Gau   33452503   80001s
KRAZY                    +Czar+             [---]   9  JPr   31599957  160001s
VOSLY7                   Outlaw+4           [---]  10  JPl   30904518       1s
CAPTAINBLASTO            +Overlord+         [---]  11  Bpa   30038359   80001s
THE BELL HOP             +Overlord+         [---]  12  CBp   27542769       1s
CORNER HO                +Overlord+         [---]  13  Fan   24388866   80001s
O.PRIME                  Outlaw+1           [---]  14  CBp   23019907   80001s
TARGETDRONE              Hoodlum+1          [TBB]  15  Gau   22564928   80001s
WHARFRAT                 Hunter+1           [---]  16  JBp   22282880   80001s
NEVERNEVER               Hunter+6           [---]  17  CPr   21598557       1s
BUBALOO                  Voyager+6          [TBB]  18  CFp   20613560  160001s
THE DESK CLERK           Hoodlum+4          [---]  19  CBp   20401616   80001s

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FELYZA                   Desperado+1        [LON]  20  CPr   20275242       1s
HOTEL SECURITY           +Overlord+         [---]  21  CBp   19651992       1s
MR_SANDMAN               Explorer+6         [TBB]  22  Gau   19531314   80001s
KIRRO                    Explorer+7         [---]  23  JPr   18876224   80001s
RAVEN                    +Czar+             [TBB]  24  Fan   17633842       1s
DILITHIUMMINER           Drifter+6          [TBB]  25  Pol   14990791   80001s
MIKE256BIT               Hoodlum+5          [---]  26  Trv   14261097       1s
TRIBBLETROUBLE           Wanderer+4         [TBB]  27  Pol   14117438   80001s
DYOHACIF3                Scavenger+9        [---]  28  Day   14085970   80001s
VISTA                    Assassin+4         [AOA]  29  Fan   13844990  240001s
SLORM                    Voyager+5          [---]  30  Fpa   13720290  160001s
WHITESTAR                +Overlord+         [---]  31  Fpa   13103518   80001s
SKREEE                   Scavenger+6        [---]  32  CPr   10990428  160001s
KRAGEON                  Wanderer+1         [---]  33  Gau   10562433       1s
ROUOL                    Outlaw+0           [AOA]  34  JPl    9968616  160001s
POLICE ANGER             Outcast+1          [---]  35  Day    7900965  160001s
DIREBMEM                 Baron+0            [---]  36  Day    7440593   80001s
REDHAWK                  Scavenger+8        [---]  37  Gau    7125567   80001s
FIRECHIEF                Nomad+6            [---]  38  Trv    6495709       1s
BOGUS BAT                +Overlord+         [---]  39  Fan    6318729       1s

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MANIC MOTH               +Overlord+         [---]  40  Fan    6312914       1s
PRAVEENISAAC             Desperado+4        [---]  41  Fan    6300597   80001s
MASTEROFTHEUNIVERSE      Tourist+5          [---]  42  Trv    5836972   80001s
TALON_JASRA              +Jedi Master+      [AOA]  43  Fan    5691177   80001s
TIMBOB                   Tourist+3          [---]  44  Fan    5652769  240001s
CUTTA                    Tourist+1          [---]  45  Fan    5632895   80001s
ASAI PSYREN              Tourist+3          [---]  46  Fan    5632474  160001s
BILL-GAME-MASTER         Tourist+0          [---]  47  Fan    5562457   80001s
FURY_786                 Tourist+0          [---]  48  Fan    5526714  160001s
G00B1E                   Ruffian+0          [---]  49  Fan    5509294  160001s
KRUSTY                   Tourist+6          [---]  50  Fan    5507724  160001s
BEAR CLAW                Tourist+1          [---]  51  Fan    5506557       1s
SPARTEN117               Tourist+0          [---]  52  Fan    5487884   80001s
PINTAIL                  Warmonger+2        [---]  53  Fan    5473702       1s
SLIMM                    +Czar+             [---]  54  Fan    5469089  160001s
FGF-001                  Tourist+0          [---]  55  Fan    5451015   80001s
INSPCTR_GADGET           Tourist+0          [---]  56  Fan    5449033  160001s
STICKMAN                 Tourist+0          [---]  57  Fan    5436064       1s
HOMER                    Squatter+5         [TBB]  58  Fan    5433015  160001s
BANDSON1                 Tourist+0          [---]  59  Fan    5428207       1s

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LOCKE                    Tourist+0          [---]  60  Fan    5407360       1s
GIGGLE8651               Tourist+0          [---]  61  Fan    5407272  240001s
JIMMYH1                  Tourist+0          [---]  62  Fan    5405079  160001s
GYGUS                    Tourist+0          [---]  63  Fan    5402073   80001s
SANDY                    Tourist+0          [---]  64  Fan    5401883       1s
BOT KILLER               +Overlord+         [---]  65  Fan    5401129   80001s
GENERAL1337              Tourist+0          [---]  66  Fan    5400772  240001s
MACCA                    Tourist+0          [---]  67  Fan    5400772  160001s
SMASHFORK                Tourist+0          [---]  68  Fan    5400728  160001s
STEVEHOWES               Tourist+0          [---]  69  Fan    5400690       1s
MRCIUNGASTIC             Tourist+0          [---]  70  Fan    5400630  240001s
MARTINSM                 Explorer+3         [---]  71  Fan    5400578   80001s
RED SPIDER               Warlord+5          [---]  72  Fan    5400578  160001s
KHALED                   Tourist+0          [---]  73  Fan    5400439  160001s
JJ2000                   Tourist+0          [---]  74  Fan    5400428  160001s
PATO                     Tourist+0          [---]  75  Fan    5400428   80001s
EXPO_KEN                 Tourist+0          [---]  76  Fan    5400428       1s
RYUDO                    Tourist+0          [---]  77  Fan    5400428       1s
FARK                     Tourist+0          [---]  78  Fan    5400428       1s
DUKS DINGY               Tourist+0          [---]  79  Fan    5400428   80001s

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OSISTLK                  Tourist+0          [---]  80  Fan    5400428       1s
WERT                     Tourist+0          [---]  81  Fan    5400428       1s
DJDESTROY                Tourist+0          [---]  82  Fan    5400428       1s
ARON                     Tourist+0          [---]  83  Fan    5400428  240001s
GAGA99999                Tourist+0          [---]  84  Fan    5400428  160001s
PUBLIUS                  Tourist+0          [---]  85  Fan    5400428   80001s
GUDAYMATE                Tourist+0          [---]  86  Fan    5400428   80001s
MOHAMED                  Tourist+0          [---]  87  Fan    5400428   80001s
THUMPER420               Tourist+0          [---]  88  Fan    5400428  240001s
CUCUT                    Tourist+0          [---]  89  Fan    5400428  160001s
POWER                    Tourist+0          [---]  90  Fan    5400428   80001s
KILLBILL                 Tourist+0          [---]  91  Fan    5400428  160001s
P3RS0N                   Tourist+0          [---]  92  Fan    5400428       1s
SIREDDY                  Tourist+0          [---]  93  Fan    5400428  160001s
SHAFT121                 Tyrant+4           [---]  94  Fan    5400428  160001s
USA                      +Overlord+         [---]  95  Fan    5400428       1s
LUCADUE                  Tourist+0          [---]  96  Fan    5400428  240001s
KRYBABY                  Tourist+0          [---]  97  Fan    5400428   80001s
ARSENIC                  Tourist+0          [---]  98  Fan    5400428  160001s
KALIGULA                 Tourist+0          [---]  99  Fan    5400428       1s

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SURFER9030               Voyager+5          [---] 100  Fan    5400428  160001s
ROBINSON                 +Overlord+         [---] 101  Fan    5400428   80001s
SIVART                   Outlaw+3           [---] 102  Fan    5400428   80001s
VARRICKMANA              Tourist+0          [---] 103  Fan    5400428  160001s
SAXON                    Tourist+0          [---] 104  Fan    5400428  160001s
VINYL TRIXTA             +Overlord+         [---] 105  Fan    5400428   80001s
ASFALOTH                 Tourist+0          [---] 106  Fan    5400428  160001s
ARTTURI                  Tourist+0          [---] 107  Fan    5400428  240001s
ZIXUZO                   Tourist+0          [---] 108  Fan    5400428  160001s
PROMYK                   Tourist+0          [---] 109  Fan    5400428       1s
GROOVEME                 Tourist+0          [---] 110  Fan    5400428   80001s
CUNNYWATCHER             Tourist+0          [---] 111  Fan    5400428   80001s
DRAX                     Tourist+0          [---] 112  Fan    5400428       1s
WISDOM                   Tourist+0          [---] 113  Fan    5400428   80001s
GEB                      Outlaw+4           [---] 114  Fan    5400428       1s
SEAHAWK101B              Tourist+0          [---] 115  Fan    5400428  160001s
PYROTECH101              Tourist+0          [---] 116  Fan    5400428  160001s
DIJITAL DREAMS           Tourist+0          [---] 117  Fan    5400428       1s
MATTIOR THE LONE WARRIOR Tourist+0          [---] 118  Fan    5400428   80001s
CHRISTIANYG              Tourist+0          [---] 119  Fan    5400428   80001s

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BUSTEDFLUSH              Tourist+0          [---] 120  Fan    5400428       1s
GALE                     Tourist+0          [---] 121  Fan    5400428       1s
DOOSHY BAG               Tourist+0          [---] 122  Fan    5400428  160001s
DIME                     Tourist+0          [---] 123  Fan    5400428       1s
FLIPPY                   Tourist+0          [---] 124  Fan    5400428   80001s
ARCTAN                   Tourist+0          [---] 125  Fan    5400428       1s
MISTYQUEST               Tourist+0          [---] 126  Fan    5400391   80001s
MARCO_JEEZ               Supreme Overlord   [---] 127  Fan    5400391       1s
MRSTABBY                 Tourist+0          [---] 128  Fan    5400391   80001s
DRAKAN11                 Tourist+0          [---] 129  Fan    5400391  160001s
KASPER                   Tourist+0          [---] 130  Fan    5400391   80001s
SILENTMATT               Tourist+0          [---] 131  Fan    5400391   80001s
HORUSFORELOCK            Tourist+0          [---] 132  Fan    5400361  240001s
AARDE                    Tourist+0          [---] 133  Fan    5400317       1s
DRINKYCLOWN              Tourist+0          [---] 134  Fan    5400317  160001s
CATTLE                   Tourist+0          [---] 135  Fan    5400317  160001s
HELIX                    Tourist+0          [---] 136  Fan    5400291  160001s
BUEDA                    Tourist+0          [---] 137  Fan    5400242       1s
IEATMONKYS               Tourist+0          [---] 138  Fan    5400040  160001s
KIVAS                    Tourist+0          [---] 139  Fan    5399981       1s

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TIGER CLAW               Tourist+0          [---] 140  Fan    5398956   80001s
GENE SHALIT              Wanderer+8         [---] 141  Fan    5398235  160001s
NETTOSAITO               Tourist+0          [---] 142  Fan    5367097   80001s
TRIX01                   Tourist+0          [---] 143  Fan    5341911   80001s
DUKE                     Tourist+0          [---] 144  Fan    5308765   80001s
NONAME                   Tourist+0          [---] 145  Fan    5275432   80001s
ATTILLA                  Tourist+0          [---] 146  Fan    5250246   80001s
JNC                      Tourist+0          [---] 147  Fan    5154600  160001s
THE BRAIN                Tourist+0          [---] 148  Fan    5142042   80001s
ISTARI                   Tourist+0          [---] 149  Fan    5104601       1s
AIRNEE                   Tourist+0          [---] 150  Fan    5067078   80001s
SHADOWSORD               Tourist+0          [---] 151  Fan    4962684   80001s
PRAVEENISAAC1            Tourist+0          [---] 152  Fan    4958770   80001s
CHRISTMAS                Tourist+0          [---] 153  Fan    4958733   80001s
MASTHEMA                 Tourist+0          [---] 154  Fan    4917104       1s
WIG BEINER               Tourist+0          [---] 155  Fan    4908826       1s
FAITHLESSMAN             Tourist+0          [---] 156  Fan    4842105  160001s
SHAKEDUST                Tourist+0          [---] 157  Fan    4792106       1s
HAVARA                   Tourist+0          [---] 158  Fan    4783773       1s
GABBY                    Tourist+0          [---] 159  Fan    4741995   80001s

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GAME OVER                Tourist+0          [---] 160  Fan    4596276   80001s
ROOTADMEN                Tourist+0          [---] 161  Fan    4596276   80001s
JAYSON LAI               Tourist+0          [---] 162  Fan    4587943   80001s
BOT BET1                 +Czar+             [---] 163  Fan    4433779   80001s
TOW                      Voyager+3          [---] 164  Fan    4407267   80001s
SAMUEL ROBERTS           Tourist+0          [---] 165  Fan    4304614       1s
DWSTRIKE142              Tourist+0          [---] 166  Fan    4292114   80001s
KOEN                     Tourist+0          [---] 167  Fan    4258595   80001s
I DONT GAMBLE            Desperado+7        [---] 168  Fan    4233782   80001s
SANGUINUIS               Tourist+0          [---] 169  Fan    4221282   80001s
NUMBER 7                 Squatter+5         [---] 170  Fan    4217115   80001s
FOXY CLEOPATRA           Desperado+8        [---] 171  Fan    4200449   80001s
TEQUILABABI              Tourist+0          [---] 172  Fan    4187860       1s
LITTLE BURRO             +Czar+             [---] 173  Fan    4179616       1s
MINY                     Tourist+0          [---] 174  Fan    4175440       1s
SEA TUG                  Warlord+7          [---] 175  Fan    4150450       1s
MAGEKNIGHT711            Tourist+0          [---] 176  Fan    4121003       1s
ABCDEFG123               Tourist+0          [---] 177  Fan    4000451  160001s
KILLERFLU                Tourist+0          [---] 178  Fan    4000451   80001s
THEINVENTORWIZ            (in hospital)     [---] 179  Fan    1398372   80001s

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______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Angels of Amber                           [AOA]      1        237341
Two Big Boppers                           [TBB]      2        148333
The Publicans Union                       [BAR]      3         49901
Legion of Neutral                         [LON]      4         20275

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y] 

There are 10589 Pantrys (9259 abandoned) and 95040 machines 
(88716 abandoned) in the 272000 Hotel Rooms producing daily:

   35189K boxes of iron
   35189K boxes of alcohol
   27018K boxes of hardware

There are 179 active traders (178 well, 1 hospitalized).  They are
guarded by 574825 milibots.  The Universe contains 2326 Kiosks.
The abandoned debris of 50 battles litters the Universe.

There are 100 fleets, 12 bunkers, and 112 securitybots deployed
throughout the Universe with a total strength of 284208 milibots.

There have been 764393 transactions performed in this 42-day game.

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y] 

      The 1s  contain   52  residents and forces equal to   244074 milibots
  The 80001s  contain   71  residents and forces equal to   372706 milibots
 The 160001s  contain   44  residents and forces equal to   188972 milibots
 The 240001s  contain   11  residents and forces equal to    53281 milibots

Do you want to see the final rankings of the last game? (Y/N) [N] 

2 Replies to “Rankings from Round 6 of TLR”

  1. G had actually not been absent from the game – hea has just played differeent ships and supported other teams. 😉 I was just lucky he didn’t come back on at the end this round!
    What a shame though so many seem to have just logged on to have a quick look and not come back to play the round. I dont like the present format either, but I’m not ready to give up just yet. I’m hoping that seeing the “faithful few” continuing to play as best we can will eventually promt a return to a format more people will want to play.
