Rankings from Round 7 of TLR

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
TRIBBLETROUBLE           Baron+1            [ILL]   1  Pol   65586896   80001s
TARGETDRONE              Tyrant+3           [---]   2  Pol   58362089   80001s
DILITHIUMMINER           Warrior+1          [---]   3  Pol   51304270       1s
KAMIKAZE COWGIRL         +Overlord+         [AOA]   4  CPr   49578492   80001s
MR_SANDMAN               Gladiator+8        [---]   5  Pol   49411672   80001s
CHAMPION WOMBAT          +Czar+             [---]   6  JGa   44702932       1s
BLUE OPAL                Barbarian+9        [AOA]   7  CPr   44436161       1s
AMBER                    +Overlord+         [AOA]   8  CPr   42184961   80001s
CLUSTER BUSTER           Outlaw+5           [---]   9  CBp   33139845   80001s
HUDSON CREAM             +Czar+             [BAR]  10  Por   30129319   80001s
HUNTER                   killuall           [ROT]  11  CBp   29949078   80001s
TALON_JASRA              Skugg Drakarna     [ROT]  12  CBp   29554146   80001s
AYRADYSS                 +Overlord+         [AOA]  13  CPr   27416575   80001s
MARTINSM                 Scoundrel+8        [BAR]  14  JPr   25232750       1s
LIZ THE AX WIZ           +Czar+             [ROT]  15  CBp   23861214   80001s
FIRECHIEF                Outlaw+3           [---]  16  JFp   21206034       1s
THRAWN                   +Grand Admiral+    [ROT]  17  CBp   21189082   80001s
PHOTONOUS                Crush_Them_All     [ROT]  18  CBp   20932965       1s

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G00B1E                   Mercenary+4        [AOA]  19  CBp   20627105   80001s
MANIC MOTH               +Overlord+         [---]  20  Gau   18128449  160001s
BOGUS BAT                +Overlord+         [---]  21  Gau   17925768   80001s
WALIWINI                 Explorer+7         [ARG]  22  CGa   17814997       1s
DAO TUAT                 Nomad+2            [ARG]  23  CFp   17633575       1s
HUWIKEINI                Nomad+5            [ARG]  24  CBp   14581007       1s
FEATHERSNAKE             Wanderer+8         [LDD]  25  JBp   13982286       1s
KRAZY                    +Czar+             [AOA]  26  Fan   12908071       1s
TAITSA                   Scavenger+8        [ARG]  27  CFp   11460936       1s
AEGIDIUS                 Scout+7            [LDD]  28  Trv   10766658       1s
JENNIFERN                Scavenger+8        [---]  29  Trv   10202341   80001s
BETSY ANN                Scavenger+6        [---]  30  Trv    9151134   80001s
WHITESTAR                +Overlord+         [---]  31  Fpa    9109101   80001s
UBERTRADER               Ruffian+4          [---]  32  Fan    8817572   80001s
VRITRA                   Outlaw+9           [ROT]  33  Fan    8315628       1s
BRITESTAR                Warlord+8          [---]  34  Fpa    8182681  160001s
GIGGLE                   Ruffian+0          [---]  35  Trv    7226695       1s
HERO76                   Ruffian+1          [---]  36  Fan    6252547       1s
WOLFMAN380               +Czar+             [---]  37  Spo    5764291   80001s
KWACH                    Tourist+0          [---]  38  Fan    5593949  160001s

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CUSPATE51                Tourist+0          [---]  39  Fan    5544359   80001s
IRON KNIGHT              +Czar+             [---]  40  Fan    5535639       1s
DEAD LIKE ME             Tourist+0          [---]  41  Fan    5513112   80001s
MIZU                     Tourist+0          [---]  42  Fan    5433771  160001s
MAD DAWG                 Tourist+0          [---]  43  Fan    5429248       1s
UNULE                    Tourist+0          [---]  44  Fan    5419771   80001s
BLAZIER                  Tourist+0          [---]  45  Fan    5408877   80001s
HEAT SEEKER              Tourist+3          [---]  46  Fan    5406585       1s
VROCK4                   Tourist+0          [---]  47  Fan    5402055   80001s
SATHYA                   Tourist+0          [---]  48  Fan    5401868       1s
MONGO                    Tourist+0          [---]  49  Fan    5400883       1s
AUTOSPASTIC              Tourist+0          [---]  50  Fan    5400840       1s
KINGVEGETA               Tourist+0          [---]  51  Fan    5400772       1s
OSAMAXMAN                Tourist+0          [---]  52  Fan    5400706  160001s
ZLOTS                    Tourist+0          [---]  53  Fan    5400660   80001s
QQA                      Tourist+0          [---]  54  Fan    5400601       1s
BASHER                   Tourist+3          [---]  55  Fan    5400578   80001s
INSTATIONA               Tourist+0          [---]  56  Fan    5400428       1s
DUMDUMDUM                Tourist+0          [---]  57  Fan    5400428       1s
PEEKAY5000               Tourist+0          [---]  58  Fan    5400428       1s

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ROBIN HOOD               Wanderer+7         [---]  59  Fan    5400428   80001s
THE ROBBIE B             +Overlord+         [---]  60  Fan    5400428       1s
VAIMU                    Tourist+0          [---]  61  Fan    5400428   80001s
SANGUINUIS               Tourist+0          [---]  62  Fan    5400428       1s
DREYESBO                 Tourist+0          [---]  63  Fan    5400428   80001s
RED SPIDER               Warlord+5          [---]  64  Fan    5400428       1s
SWEET RAPPA HOMEDAWG     Barbarian+3        [---]  65  Fan    5400428       1s
SETHI                    Tourist+0          [---]  66  Fan    5400428   80001s
DIREBMEM                 Baron+0            [---]  67  Fan    5400428  160001s
JUST ANOTHER STAR SHIP T Tourist+0          [---]  68  Fan    5400428       1s
SARGON                   Tourist+0          [---]  69  Fan    5400428  160001s
REMIVANDIJK              Tourist+0          [---]  70  Fan    5400428  160001s
SIBIRIS                  Tourist+0          [---]  71  Fan    5400428  160001s
VINYL TRIXTA             +Overlord+         [---]  72  Fan    5400428   80001s
BBLSHORT                 Tourist+0          [---]  73  Fan    5400428   80001s
PIRATA                   Tourist+0          [---]  74  Fan    5400428       1s
GEB                      Outlaw+4           [---]  75  Fan    5400428   80001s
CUNNYWATCHER             Tourist+0          [---]  76  Fan    5400428       1s
SMARTPARTS               Tourist+0          [---]  77  Fan    5400428       1s
CONAN THE LBIRARIAN      Tourist+0          [---]  78  Fan    5400428  160001s

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MONTONE                  Tourist+0          [---]  79  Fan    5400428   80001s
KINGMISTER               Tourist+0          [---]  80  Fan    5400428   80001s
LUCAS                    Tourist+0          [---]  81  Fan    5400428  160001s
NICKHALL                 Warlord+7          [---]  82  Fan    5400428  160001s
JERK                     Tourist+0          [---]  83  Fan    5400428       1s
POLC                     Tourist+0          [---]  84  Fan    5400428  160001s
HOBBIT                   Tourist+0          [---]  85  Fan    5400428       1s
LANCER2000               Tourist+0          [---]  86  Fan    5400428       1s
SLIMM                    +Czar+             [---]  87  Fan    5400428  160001s
HYGRAED                  Tourist+0          [---]  88  Fan    5400428   80001s
JUGGERNAUT               Tourist+0          [---]  89  Fan    5400428       1s
ANGELO                   Tourist+0          [---]  90  Fan    5400428   80001s
LAWNBOY                  Tourist+0          [---]  91  Fan    5400428   80001s
TLR KILLED SST           Tourist+0          [---]  92  Fan    5400428   80001s
DUKS PRAM                +Overlord+         [---]  93  Fan    5400428   80001s
LUIGIMARIO66             Tourist+0          [---]  94  Fan    5400428  160001s
ALVAROLOS                Tourist+0          [---]  95  Fan    5400428  160001s
FLYINGHIGH               Tourist+0          [---]  96  Fan    5400428   80001s
COCKSMACKER              Tourist+0          [---]  97  Fan    5400428   80001s
NAV                      Tourist+0          [---]  98  Fan    5400428       1s

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COCKSUCKER               Tourist+0          [---]  99  Fan    5400428  160001s
TARON                    Tourist+0          [---] 100  Fan    5400428  160001s
RAVEN                    +Czar+             [---] 101  Fan    5400428   80001s
PONTOBASE                Tourist+0          [---] 102  Fan    5400428       1s
VISTA                    Assassin+4         [---] 103  Fan    5400428  160001s
PENGUINS                 Tourist+0          [---] 104  Fan    5400428       1s
KINGKELL                 Tourist+0          [---] 105  Fan    5400428   80001s
JEBSO                    Tourist+0          [---] 106  Fan    5400428  160001s
GOOROO                   Tourist+0          [---] 107  Fan    5400428   80001s
ARDANWEN                 Tourist+0          [---] 108  Fan    5400428       1s
CARFREAK54               Tourist+0          [---] 109  Fan    5400428       1s
ASA                      Tourist+0          [---] 110  Fan    5400415       1s
CARMAGT77                Tourist+0          [---] 111  Fan    5400391       1s
HARLOCK                  Tourist+0          [---] 112  Fan    5400391   80001s
TRITON                   Tourist+0          [---] 113  Fan    5400391   80001s
FINAL DESTINY            Tourist+0          [---] 114  Fan    5400391   80001s
IFFF                     Tourist+0          [---] 115  Fan    5400391       1s
HEM                      Tourist+0          [---] 116  Fan    5400391   80001s
HELL BOY                 Tourist+0          [---] 117  Fan    5400331   80001s
FLAMECHEETAH             Tourist+0          [---] 118  Fan    5400317  160001s

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HOUDINIC                 Tourist+0          [---] 119  Fan    5400249   80001s
MORRIGAN                 Tourist+0          [---] 120  Fan    5400168       1s
AWKWORDZ                 Tourist+0          [---] 121  Fan    5400052       1s
FIRSTCONTACT1990         Tourist+0          [---] 122  Fan    5399459  160001s
ADREMELECH               Tourist+0          [---] 123  Fan    5217099   80001s
DARTH VITORIUS           Tourist+0          [---] 124  Fan    5196266   80001s
CANNON                   Tourist+0          [---] 125  Fan    5083694   80001s
CHINGGIS                 Tourist+0          [---] 126  Fan    4962937   80001s
LILMARYSUN               Tourist+0          [---] 127  Fan    4900556   80001s
CLOUDLUVER22             Tourist+0          [---] 128  Fan    4883771       1s
SKYLAR                   Tourist+0          [---] 129  Fan    4883734       1s
LITTLE BURRO             +Czar+             [---] 130  Fan    4862938       1s
QUINCY                   Tourist+1          [---] 131  Fan    4852808       1s
RALF                     Tourist+0          [---] 132  Fan    4721274       1s
FROSTI                   Gladiator+5        [---] 133  Fan    4712941       1s
DOMDADA                  Tourist+0          [---] 134  Fan    4508777   80001s
KILLBILL                 Tourist+0          [---] 135  Fan    4492111   80001s
KIRRO                    Explorer+7         [---] 136  Fan    4400446   80001s
R_E_X                    Tourist+0          [---] 137  Fan    4379613   80001s
PAUL2                    Tourist+0          [---] 138  Fan    4292114   80001s

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DVG                      Tourist+0          [---] 139  Fan    4283781       1s
GENE SHALIT              Wanderer+8         [---] 140  Fan    4282841       1s
STRANGER                 Tourist+0          [---] 141  Fan    4183783       1s
RUERD                    Tourist+0          [---] 142  Fan    4171283       1s
SIVART                   Outlaw+3           [---] 143  Fan    4149955       1s
E3D3                     Tourist+0          [---] 144  Fan    4000100   80001s

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Angels of Amber                           [AOA]      1        197149
Rise of the Titans                        [ROT]      2        133800
ILLICIT_LIAISON                           [ILL]      3         65586
Pirates of the Planetarium                [ARG]      4         61488
The Publicans Union                       [BAR]      5         55361
Legion of Dynamic Discord                 [LDD]      6         26090

There are 8036 Planets (7334 abandoned) and 72671 ports 
(69580 abandoned) in the 208000 Galaxy Sectors producing daily:

   26903K holds of iron
   26893K holds of alcohol
   20548K holds of hardware

There are 144 active traders (144 well, 0 hospitalized).  They are
guarded by 923331 fighters.  The Universe contains 1785 TradingPosts.
The abandoned debris of 32 battles litters the Universe.

There are 45 fleets, 14 bunkers, and 50 starbases deployed
throughout the Universe with a total strength of 208140 fighters.

There have been 856359 transactions performed in this 42-day game.

5 Replies to “Rankings from Round 7 of TLR”

  1. “still suffering from player attrition” is an understatement..Something needs to be done about the game settings and quick…Congrats to Ayra, for 2 #1 Team status in a row 🙂

  2. Better check again… Ayra has had the #1 team for the last 4 rounds!!! Rounds 4,5,6 & 7 were dominated by AOA!

    Even RDC doesn’t have that good a track record 😛

  3. ok, congrats for 4 dominating rounds. and RDC was only around for 2(1?), looks like they got tired of playing, or changed names and abandoned their clients.

  4. Thanks, guys.. I didn’t realise my team had won 4 rounds now. I’m sure it was all down to “a little help from my friends” (probably more than just a little too). 😉
