ELF bashing

I’ve decided to create a new category for my blog… dedicated to ELF!
Every post that has been written about ELF now resides in this category… all 3 of them (4 if you count this one)!

Maybe my grasp of the english language has been impaired with my frustration on the ELF boards, but I don’t see any major slandering of the ELF game in these posts? I’ve expressed my views, made a few sly jokes and have told people to go enjoy themselves?

I’m going to give the ELF boards a rest for a few days, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and get the last word in! 😛
DRAGELET: I sent you an email with exact times the error occurred. Could you please take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule and compare the times with your apache logs!
INFEST: Thanks to you I now have a troll reputation… you managed to push just the right buttons, but I’m going to take the high road and leave you wading in your own trollish drool.
SIVART: Yes on-line polls are stupid… so were the arguments on the board! I fully expect to see an overwhelming landslide in the ‘yes’ votes over the next few days… but if the ‘no’ vote goes up at all from it’s current figure of two, there may just be a problem.

Oh yeah, don’t forget that at the end of the day this is all about a game, so ENJOY!

Update: Moved the poll into the article.

Does the ELF login history page work for you?
Total Votes: 5 Started: December 21, 2006 Back to Vote Screen

ELF Update

A little complaint about the failures with the login history page has turned into an attack of my character.

No one seems to believe that there is a problem with the page, I keep getting the old “It works for me, so it must be your computer” line.

So let’s clarify a few obvious problems with that statement!

  1. I’m not an idiot!
  2. Other users have mentioned this problem to me (I’m refusing to divulge their information to save them from being attacked!)
  3. I have tested from both home and work
  4. I have used multiple computers
  5. I have used various browsers
  6. Family members have the same problem
  7. See #1

I’ve attempted to follow Dragelet’s request to solve this via email, but only received an excuse about me not being a player?

In one of my posts on the ELF message board I’ve made a statement about why nobody else is complaining about the page problem… after seeing the way I’ve been attacked, why should anyone else step forward?

So I’ve decided to add a poll to my blog.
The first question is whether the login history page is accessible to you.
All voting will be anonymous!

That’s enough rambling for now… don’t forget to vote!

Newsflash! Cheating occuring on Anti-Cheating SST site!

I’ve recently been accused of being biased against the alternate SST server… they’re right!

They’ve unfairly blocked access to their game via the client port… that excludes me from playing.

They’ve setup a login history page to help detect cheaters… this page just happens to return an Internal Server Error when accessed by certain people.

This smells like a conspiracy to me!!!


Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, dragelet@sst.mob.net and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

The above message is what I see when I attempt to access the history page…??
I’m too lazy to email dragelet so I’m hoping he’ll see this and explain what’s going on!
