
______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ 
THE BOT COLLECTOR        +Czar+             [TF3]   1  CGa   82415554     Luna 
KRANKY                   +Czar+             [---]   2  JFp   81736337  Umbriel 
UBERTRADER               +Czar+             [---]   3  JFp   81150346  Titania 
KRAFTY                   +Czar+             [---]   4  JFp   77074432  Umbriel 
GESTALT                  +BARSHIPMASTER+    [BAR]   5  HLi   46963494  320001s 
DUKS DINGY               Commodore+6        [RFI]   6  HCr   46247159  256001s 
AYRADYSS                 +Czar+             [AOA]   7  JPr   40439985   Charon 
FISHHUNTER               Predator+4         [SG1]   8  HCr   37763693   64001s 
FROSTI                   +Overlord+         [---]   9  HCr   37257069  336001s 
NOTREDAME                Ruffian+4          [SG1]  10  JPr   36176323   Oberon 
SONG SUNG BLUE           +Czar+             [AOA]  11  JPr   36093004   Charon 
AMBER                    +Czar+             [AOA]  12  JPr   34280561   Charon 
KAMIKAZE COWGIRL         +Czar+             [AOA]  13  JPr   33299036   Charon 
KILLERCOOLISBACK         Tactician+9        [SG1]  14  Des   28439831  256001s 
KILLERCOOL.              Pirate+5           [SG1]  15  HCr   28258893  160001s 
USA                      +Czar+             [SG1]  16  Spo   23749229   Oberon 
QUIETLY                  +Czar+             [---]  17  JGa   22994964  Titania 
THE GREEN LANTERN        Hoodlum+3          [THW]  18  CGa   20630764       Io 
BIGSKY                   Bully+2            [SG1]  19  JBp   17853949   Oberon 

Continue?  (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y]  

CHAMPION WOMBAT          +Czar+             [---]  20  JBp   17602817  Titania 
ROUOL                    Baron+4            [---]  21  Fpa   16789088       Io 
KREEPY                   +Czar+             [---]  22  HFr   14799492  304001s 
TALON_JASRA              =Timelord=         [SG1]  23  Trv   12738509   Triton 
OSCAR                    Trader+3           [---]  24  Lin   11106945   48001s 
PURPLE NOISE             Scout+6            [---]  25  Gau   10927148       Io 
RAGNAR                   Hunter+9           [---]  26  Cru    9851206  112001s 
CRUSOE                   Nomad+5            [---]  27  SLi    9190476  288001s 
SILBY                    Nomad+3            [---]  28  Cru    9146187  208001s 
KRAZY                    +Czar+             [---]  29  JFp    7642795  Umbriel 
SMOKERS                  RFI's downfall     [---]  30  Spo    7329393   Oberon 
DUKS PRAM                Tycoon+1           [RFI]  31  Fan    7299612       Io 
MOTORMAN                 Outcast+0          [---]  32  Trv    7048339       Io 
CURTIS                   Outcast+7          [RFI]  33  Trv    6971728       Io 
MIGHTY MOUSE              (in hospital)     [---]  34  CPr    6751643       Io 
WRESTLEMANIA             Hunter+9           [---]  35  Fan    6749349       Io 
BESTARK                  Space Tyrant Rules![---]  36  Tra    6076158  288001s 
JORJ CAR'DAS             Gladiator+2        [SG1]  37  Trv    6048618   Triton 
GHGHGHGFHG               Cabbie+3           [---]  38  Fre    6043288   16001s 
POKEY                    +Czar+             [---]  39  Sch    5532442  384001s 

Continue?  (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y]  

GUMBY                    +Czar+             [---]  40  Fan    5524398       Io 
GEB                      Outlaw+3           [---]  41  Fan    5511014       Io 
SOPCHOPPYSAM             Tourist+0          [---]  42  Fan    5509820       Io 
TLR KILLED SST           Exile+5            [---]  43  Fan    5499933       Io 
THE DWELLER              Barbarian+1        [---]  44  Fan    5477057       Io 
WANG                     Tourist+0          [---]  45  Fan    5402762       Io 
MADCOW2                  Tourist+0          [---]  46  Fan    5400718       Io 
TEVIONSPEAKERSARECOOL    Tourist+0          [---]  47  Fan    5400459       Io 
SPLITSHADOW              Tourist+0          [---]  48  Fan    5400428       Io 
THELI                    Tourist+0          [---]  49  Fan    5400428       Io 
MADMAN9599               Tourist+0          [---]  50  Fan    5400428       Io 
FOOTY                    Tourist+0          [---]  51  Fan    5400428       Io 
DPROTAS                  Tourist+0          [---]  52  Fan    5400428       Io 
BASHER                   Tourist+3          [---]  53  Fan    5400428       Io 
DION                     Tourist+0          [---]  54  Fan    5400428       Io 
CUNNYWATCHER             Tourist+0          [---]  55  Fan    5400428       Io 
PORSD                    Tourist+0          [---]  56  Fan    5400428       Io 
RED SPIDER               Warlord+5          [---]  57  Fan    5400428       Io 
JUNKO                    Tourist+0          [---]  58  Fan    5400428       Io 
MISTA                    Tourist+0          [---]  59  Fan    5400428       Io 

Continue?  (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y]  

PORKY PIG                Desperado+6        [---]  60  Fan    5400428       Io 
SPANKY                   Tourist+0          [---]  61  Fan    5400428       Io 
JJJJ                     Tourist+0          [---]  62  Fan    5400428       Io 
FARAZ                    Tourist+0          [---]  63  Fan    5400428       Io 
MITCHELL                 Tourist+0          [---]  64  Fan    5400428       Io 
RIDDHI                   Tourist+0          [---]  65  Fan    5400428       Io 
ERIVELTON                Tourist+0          [---]  66  Fan    5400419       Io 
LAERKE                   Tourist+0          [---]  67  Fan    5400403       Io 
PLASTICMAT               Tourist+0          [---]  68  Fan    5400391       Io 
TRIGGER                  Tourist+0          [---]  69  Fan    5400391       Io 
SWAT                     Gladiator+3        [---]  70  Fan    5400391       Io 
OJVELAYO                 Tourist+0          [---]  71  Fan    5400391       Io 
SDFGHJ                   Tourist+0          [---]  72  Fan    5400382       Io 
SUK                      Tourist+0          [---]  73  Fan    5400354       Io 
P_O                      Tourist+0          [---]  74  Fan    5400354       Io 
BAJO                     Tourist+0          [---]  75  Fan    5400354       Io 
HUNTER                   +Czar+             [---]  76  Fan    5400354       Io 
RONALDVE                 Tourist+0          [---]  77  Fan    5400352       Io 
DELINQUENT               Tourist+0          [---]  78  Fan    5400317       Io 
SIVART                   Desperado+8        [---]  79  Fan    5398526       Io 

Continue?  (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y]  

GIMMO                    Tourist+0          [---]  80  Fan    5346163       Io 
URGER                    Warlord+5          [---]  81  Fan    5242099       Io 
MCMASTER                 Tourist+0          [---]  82  Fan    5200433       Io 
DJACCL                   Tourist+0          [---]  83  Fan    4921271       Io 
UNDERDOG                  (in hospital)     [THW]  84  CPr    4844370       Io 
ZZZ                      Tourist+0          [---]  85  Fan    4834943       Io 
METROMAN                 Tourist+0          [---]  86  Fan    4721274       Io 
TRAHAN                   Tourist+0          [---]  87  Fan    4658775       Io 
TREVISE                  Tourist+0          [---]  88  Fan    4617416       Io 
DECKO                    Tourist+0          [---]  89  Fan    4512907       Io 
VAALIM                   Tourist+0          [---]  90  Fan    4354576       Io 
MXSTATIC                 Tourist+0          [---]  91  Fan    4349305       Io 
BRATTY                   Tourist+0          [---]  92  Fan    4162726       Io 
BICKMAT                  Tourist+0          [---]  93  Fan    4125450       Io 
ADEIL                     (in hospital)     [---]  94  Fan    1400478       Io 
WILHELM_HAWTHORNE         (in hospital)     [---]  95  Fan    1400478       Io 
VERLAG                    (in hospital)     [---]  96  Fan    1399708       Io 

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y]  

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s) 
Stargate SG-1                             [SG1]      1        191024 
Angels of Amber                           [AOA]      2        144111 
Resort Farmers Inc.                       [RFI]      3        118160 
The Fabulous Fig Fighters                 [TF3]      4         82415 
The Publicans Union                       [BAR]      5         46963 
The Unhemmed Wanders of Io                [THW]      6         25474 

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y]  

There are 28791 Pantrys (27306 abandoned) and 279547 machines 
(274609 abandoned) in the 800000 Hotel Rooms producing daily: 

  115728K boxes of iron 
  115892K boxes of alcohol 
   86774K boxes of hardware 

There are 96 active traders (91 well, 5 hospitalized).  They are 
guarded by 481753 milibots.  The Universe contains 6676 Kiosks. 
The abandoned debris of 61 battles litters the Universe. 

There are 1756 fleets, 8 bunkers, and 97 securitybots deployed 
throughout the Universe with a total strength of 598861 milibots. 

There have been 1300577 transactions performed in this 42-day game. 

Continue?  (Y/N) [Y]  

      The 1s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to        5 milibots 
  The 16001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to        2 milibots 
  The 32001s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to        2 milibots 
  The 48001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to     1065 milibots 
  The 64001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to    21994 milibots 
  The 80001s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to       21 milibots 
  The 96001s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to        1 milibots 
 The 112001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to     1383 milibots 
 The 160001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to     8621 milibots 
 The 176001s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to    14810 milibots 
 The 192001s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to        1 milibots 
 The 208001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to     1261 milibots 
 The 240001s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to        1 milibots 
 The 256001s  contain    2  residents and forces equal to    85296 milibots 
 The 288001s  contain    2  residents and forces equal to     1270 milibots 
 The 304001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to     6332 milibots 
 The 320001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to    75224 milibots 
 The 336001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to    25920 milibots 
 The 352001s  contain    0  residents and forces equal to       22 milibots 
 The 384001s  contain    1  residents and forces equal to    51493 milibots 
      Pl. Io  contain   60  residents and forces equal to    19129 milibots 
    Pl. Luna  contain    1  residents and forces equal to   109509 milibots 
 Pl. Umbriel  contain    3  residents and forces equal to   317527 milibots 
  Pl. Triton  contain    2  residents and forces equal to        0 milibots 
    Pl. Rhea  contain    0  residents and forces equal to       15 milibots 
 Pl. Titania  contain    3  residents and forces equal to    64630 milibots 
  Pl. Oberon  contain    4  residents and forces equal to   112004 milibots 
  Pl. Charon  contain    4  residents and forces equal to   163076 milibots 

Do you want to see the final rankings of the last game? (Y/N) [N]

One Reply to “TLR-20070116-6W”

  1. Just wanted to say sorry for dropping out this game. Work has been kinda hectic. Kinda weird not seeing my name up there at the top… I’ll be back soon…

    Gratz BC

