______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ GUMBY +Czar+ [RDC] 1 CFp 390428238 Europa BESTARK +Czar+ [RDC] 2 CFp 382151043 Europa POKEY +Czar+ [RDC] 3 JFp 367285753 Europa KRAZY +Czar+ [RDC] 4 JFp 344524623 Dione KRAFTY +Czar+ [RDC] 5 JFp 322626438 Dione KREEPY +Czar+ [RDC] 6 JFp 320546921 Dione KRANKY +Czar+ [RDC] 7 JFp 316760675 Dione STARFURY +Czar+ [RDC] 8 CFp 313520898 Europa SOLDIER ~Buffalo~ [SAS] 9 HBa 182348726 480001s TRINITY Tycoon+1 [---] 10 JFp 86946680 Tethys MATRIX Assassin+9 [---] 11 CFp 70842339 Tethys CYPHER Bully+9 [---] 12 CFp 59307308 Tethys BULL_831 +Overlord+ [---] 13 HFr 55901397 1s PICKACKAFAX Emperor+9 [666] 14 HLi 54613216 768001s TALON_JASRA +Overlord+ [---] 15 HLi 43140103 480001s MORTAIR Ruffian+2 [---] 16 JPr 38959308 Io DUEY Tug Captain+7 [---] 17 HFr 38919862 1s JHOON RHEE Tactician+9 [666] 18 HLi 31248771 768001s NEONCLAW Pirate+1 [---] 19 HFr 30736196 544001s Continue? (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y] THRAWN Grand Admiral [---] 20 HFr 30306312 672001s JARED FROM SUBWAY Ranger+7 [666] 21 HLi 29037958 768001s BRITESTAR +Czar+ [---] 22 CFp 23887545 Io BARTLEBY Scout+6 [---] 23 Trv 14733486 Io MOTORMAN Explorer+3 [---] 24 Day 14686250 Io MORPHEUS Space Cadet+1 [---] 25 HCr 9395580 672001s WEIGRAF Tourist+9 [---] 26 Trv 7493691 Io MICAH Tourist+2 [---] 27 Fan 7460444 Io GESTALT +Czar+ [---] 28 Fan 7115232 Io PRETTY Tourist+1 [---] 29 Fan 7012795 Io MARCO_JEEZ +Czar+ [---] 30 Fan 6982248 Io MOGRA Gladiator+3 [---] 31 Fan 6892688 Io ZANDAL Tourist+0 [---] 32 Fan 6869942 Io HOUSEY Tourist+0 [---] 33 Fan 6869234 Io ONCE Tourist+0 [---] 34 Fan 6805056 Io ASDF Tourist+0 [---] 35 Fan 6801825 Io JISTANIDIOT Tourist+0 [---] 36 Fan 6800820 Io ALEX2009 Tourist+0 [---] 37 Fan 6800498 Io FROSTI +Czar+ [---] 38 Fan 6800439 Io EXITIUM Tourist+0 [---] 39 Fan 6800439 Io Continue? (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y] NOTHXOR Tourist+0 [---] 40 Fan 6800439 Io BLAYLER Tourist+0 [---] 41 Fan 6800439 Io NOBUNAGA +Czar+ [---] 42 Fan 6800439 Io ODORI Tourist+0 [---] 43 Fan 6800439 Io ROMANOS Tourist+0 [---] 44 Fan 6800439 Io KRISTOS Tourist+0 [---] 45 Fan 6800439 Io FDSA Tourist+0 [---] 46 Fan 6800439 Io BARGIN10 Tourist+0 [---] 47 Fan 6800439 Io MARTINSM Bully+3 [---] 48 Fan 6800439 Io SEAL Tourist+0 [---] 49 Fan 6800439 Io VENOM Gladiator+7 [---] 50 Fan 6800439 Io MEGAZOID Tourist+0 [---] 51 Fan 6800439 Io OB1 Tourist+0 [---] 52 Fan 6800439 Io FERUS Tourist+0 [---] 53 Fan 6800439 Io LORDUNIX Tourist+0 [---] 54 Fan 6800439 Io BOB25 Tourist+0 [---] 55 Fan 6800439 Io INFERNO Tourist+0 [---] 56 Fan 6800439 Io SKULLBANE Tourist+0 [---] 57 Fan 6800439 Io ENYCBLAZE Tourist+9 [---] 58 Fan 6800439 Io TEKNIKO Tourist+0 [---] 59 Fan 6800439 Io Continue? (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y] RAGNAR Bully+9 [---] 60 Fan 6800439 Io KAELAS Tourist+0 [---] 61 Fan 6800439 Io VAMP Tourist+0 [---] 62 Fan 6800439 Io RED SPIDER Warlord+5 [---] 63 Fan 6800439 Io TAGZEON Tourist+0 [---] 64 Fan 6800439 Io DUCANPHAM Tourist+0 [---] 65 Fan 6800439 Io TEBIL Tourist+0 [---] 66 Fan 6800439 Io NNHEAD Tourist+0 [---] 67 Fan 6800439 Io SLIMM +Czar+ [---] 68 Fan 6800439 Io MAREX Tourist+0 [---] 69 Fan 6800439 Io Q11 Tourist+0 [---] 70 Fan 6800430 Io ORACK Tourist+0 [---] 71 Fan 6800414 Io FEATHERSNAKE Wanderer+8 [---] 72 Fan 6800402 Io JERKY Tourist+0 [---] 73 Fan 6800402 Io BIC77 Tourist+0 [---] 74 Fan 6800402 Io REGNAR Tourist+0 [---] 75 Fan 6800402 Io TERRY Tourist+0 [---] 76 Fan 6800402 Io AAAA Tourist+0 [---] 77 Fan 6800402 Io DANIEL Tourist+0 [---] 78 Fan 6800402 Io EUFNOC Tourist+0 [---] 79 Fan 6800365 Io Continue? (Y, N, Skip, (/)search) [Y] DUDENESS Tourist+0 [---] 80 Fan 6800328 Io DR.MATTY Tourist+0 [---] 81 Fan 6800309 Io GARIAN Tourist+0 [---] 82 Fan 6800253 Io DREWSHA Tourist+0 [---] 83 Fan 6800216 Io EXIDOR Warlord+4 [---] 84 Fan 6800216 Io FIREJUMP Tourist+0 [---] 85 Fan 6798978 Io ZOID Tourist+0 [---] 86 Fan 6475441 Io DONCARLO Tourist+0 [---] 87 Fan 6058776 Io NEVER Tourist+5 [---] 88 Fan 5208680 Io KALIPOLE Tourist+0 [---] 89 Fan 5158780 Io JEREC PHOENIX Tourist+0 [---] 90 Fan 4842115 Io DYU Tourist+0 [---] 91 Fan 4792078 Io SYSADMINB Tourist+0 [---] 92 Fan 4496581 Io SWEET RAPPA HOMEDAWG (in hospital) [---] 93 Fan 2800489 Io REGNAROQ (in hospital) [---] 94 Fan 2800489 Io ELDERK (in hospital) [---] 95 Fan 2800452 Io Continue? (Y/N) [Y] ______________Gang_Name________________ Abbrev. Rank Score (1000s) Resort Development Cooperative [RDC] 1 2757840 Saints And Soldiers [SAS] 2 182348 Hell's Satans [666] 3 114898 Continue? (Y/N) [Y] There are 57596 Pantrys (56636 abandoned) and 559142 machines (551588 abandoned) in the 1600000 Hotel Rooms producing daily: 727570K boxes of iron 726948K boxes of alcohol 549750K boxes of hardware There are 95 active traders (92 well, 3 hospitalized). They are guarded by 6719929 milibots. The Universe contains 13168 Kiosks. The abandoned debris of 23 battles litters the Universe. There are 696 fleets, 4 bunkers, and 30 securitybots deployed throughout the Universe with a total strength of 732705 milibots. There have been 2918797 transactions performed in this 91-day game. Continue? (Y/N) [Y] The 1s contain 2 residents and forces equal to 150541 milibots The 192001s contain 0 residents and forces equal to 22418 milibots The 224001s contain 0 residents and forces equal to 23 milibots The 320001s contain 0 residents and forces equal to 10 milibots The 480001s contain 2 residents and forces equal to 420255 milibots The 544001s contain 1 residents and forces equal to 31459 milibots The 640001s contain 0 residents and forces equal to 1 milibots The 672001s contain 2 residents and forces equal to 48752 milibots The 768001s contain 3 residents and forces equal to 82296 milibots Pl. Io contain 71 residents and forces equal to 81541 milibots Pl. Larissa contain 0 residents and forces equal to 2 milibots Pl. Pandora contain 0 residents and forces equal to 11 milibots Pl. Dione contain 4 residents and forces equal to 2882417 milibots Pl. Calypso contain 0 residents and forces equal to 10 milibots Pl. Tethys contain 3 residents and forces equal to 288952 milibots Pl. Ariel contain 0 residents and forces equal to 1 milibots Pl. Europa contain 4 residents and forces equal to 3443945 milibots Do you want to see the final rankings of the last game? (Y/N) [N]
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