Indies, Bots and Planets, Oh My!

With Draglet’s retirement, these past few days have been more than interesting.

Team [NET] (aka KC) has gone way up in rank. They got a hefty addition from some [WWS] and [AMC] ships, and now have the #1 ranked ship, RAGEAGAINSTTHEMACHINE, who was exploiting a glitch.

Team [KRY] has gone down significantly due to an attack by Drag. B.M has suffered a blow, but not as much as Kry did. The Spiro Agnew has ended up in the hospital…I would assume this is drags doing, but there is nothing in the news about a ship being killed.

Personally, my team [ACE] is doing well. If anybody’s interested in joining, leave a comment 😉

As for planets. Wow! I have never seen such an abundance of free planets in all of my days. Over 3000 available sectors of Drag’s planets, about 500 sectors of Kry’s planets, and over 1000 of B.M’s planets.

There have been multiple accusations about me being [DBD] and aids, but seeing as half my family memebers are doctors, that seems unlikely 😉

Stolen ships are also being brought to awareness. KC got his SG1 ships stolen a long time ago. but they have been logging in recently. Also, SWAT appears to have had his ships stolen.

I had an interesting conversation with an SG1 ship recently.

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659602 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"hello sg1"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659603 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"or whomever this is"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659604 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"here comes the log out..."

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659605 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"wow, hes staying on longer than i thought"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659606 from BIGSKY on channel 100:
"hey Mir"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659607 from BIGSKY on channel 100:

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659619 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"it talks!"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659620 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"hey b"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659627 from BUTROS-BUTROS-BUTROS on channel 100:
"hello mirari"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 659634 from MIRARI on channel 100:

Notice the gaps in the message numbers…somebodys trying a cover up.

The ship “YTTRIUM” was killed…by ME. I killed him while he was online. He has been destroying some of my farm, so it had to be done. He was killing some sb’s in Bestark’s farm in the 1152001’s. I tagged planets along the way and in a few days time, I’ll take em if nobody covers them up.

Here’s another interesting conversation that I caught (most of, at least) between KC and SG1, or KC and NET (personally, I think KC is team [NET] not [SG1]

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663555 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"this is KC"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663556 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"I've taken over soem of Drags old ships"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663557 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"this cant be the real Swat"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663558 from SWATER on channel 100:
"what makes you say that? "

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663559 from SWATER on channel 100:
"i'm a little slow. its 8am here."

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663560 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"You show up outta the blue after swat had left messages"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663561 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"about his ships being stolen"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663562 from SWATER on channel 100:
"i dont know who was saying that. i gave those ships to slim"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663563 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"lol i talked to slimm a few months ago he never stated that"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663564 from SWATER on channel 100:
"well how do i knoe you're who you claim to be? why dont' you fly your ships?"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663565 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"lol if youw here the real Swat you would know since i sent you emails"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663566 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"someone hacked all my passwords"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663567 from SWATER on channel 100:
"lost the password to those accoutns"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663568 from PLASMA on channel 100:

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663569 from COPPER on channel 76:
"Imposter! quit pretending to be me!"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663570 from COPPER on channel 76:

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663571 from PLASMA on channel 100:
"LOL IF YOU where really me you would know the ship Copper"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663572 from PLASMA on channel 100:
"isnt even really a KC ship it came from slimm"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663573 from COPPER on channel 76:
"Slimm gave me his ships. you're just trying to confuse people."

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663574 from PLASMA on channel 100:
"if Slimm gave you his ships log in Slimm right now"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663575 from COPPER on channel 76:
"i didn't get his main ships. why am i on trial. you're the one pretending"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663576 from PLASMA on channel 100:
"i see you keep moving my farmland Mirair"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663577 from COPPER on channel 76:
"Hey, Mir."

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663578 from PLASMA on channel 100:
"look at teh imposter who is in here"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663579 from COPPER on channel 76:
"whatever! you're the imposter!"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663580 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"hey *edit* team [SG1] *end edit*, hey kc"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663592 from COPPER on channel 76:
"damn propaganists! you're all been fooled!"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663593 from MIRARI2 on channel 14:

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663594 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"i found it and im pretty sure im not the only 1 that visits my farm so they"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663595 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"may find the warp sectors as well"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663596 from MIRARI on channel 100:

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663597 from MIRARI on channel 100:
"gotta any interesting convo's for me"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663598 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"i would cover it and just put the ship on MSS but i just bult a ton and im tir"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663599 from COPPER on channel 76:
"Ah ha! so you'r really an MSS guy, not KC at all!"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663600 from LIQUOR on channel 100:
"Im getting off this channel ahve fun talking to yourself Imposter"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663601 from COPPER on channel 76:
"speak for your self, MSS. you are pretending to be me!"

\/\/\__Incoming radio message 663602 from JDOG428 on channel 100:
"here you go imposter"

As you can see, I missed a bit in the middle.

Casualties So Far: 3
The Spiro Agnew, Baja Sharks and Yttrium

The Spectrum

With all the action going on in TLF (and nothing to do during science class) I decided to scratch up a spectrum. I put it in word, took a photo of it and here it is. Please don’t be offended if I got it wrong. Nobody on the list is inherently evil. This is all from the way I know. There are some people on it I’ve barely talked to. I didn’t know what to call the split of people into following Kry or follow Drag, so I called it Kryist and Dragist. Please leave some feedback!
Mirari's Spectrum

Space Tyrant Results – Round 1

This last round was ended abruptly by Ray due to a major glitch I found. With 3+ Scanners, you scan ships, which takes up fuel. It is possible to get negative fuel. Then after waiting 1 minute, you get 50,400,000 grams of fuel, or half a games worth. Repeat as desired.

You get the picture. This led to some major scores. Here’s the results (My ship, spiral, would be up near Bestark’s [test] but he killed it twice, and due to another glitch, test’s score appears to be negative, also, for some reason, pathological is ranked at 450, which is very odd because his score was around 11,000,000 before I destroyed it, such a large drop)

Rank ________Player Name________ Team_ Ship_ ___Score___ _____Galaxy_____ _Tag_
   1 test                        [Q&A] Huntr  -2123412843 Algol               77
   2 spiral                      [ACE] L.Cru   385963889 ~ship destroyed~   309
   3 Fleet Tender                [WDM] L.Cru   327568354 ~ship destroyed~   433
   4 bloodquest                  [ACE] Freig    27626634 Sabik              184
   5 Ghost                       [GST] L.Cru     4531355 ~ship destroyed~   392
   6 Bestark                     [Q&A] L.Cru     3033705 Algol                2
   7 mirari                      [ACE] L.Cru     2852344 ~ship destroyed~   157
   8 Phantom                     [GST] L.Cru     2101810 ~ship destroyed~   419
   9 Jackpot!!                   [ACE] L.Cru     2073563 ~ship destroyed~   439
  10 Target Drone                [~~~] L.Cru     1154822 ~ship destroyed~    10
  11 blackjack                   [ACE] L.Cru     1127105 ~ship destroyed~   437
  12 shadows                     [ACE] L.Cru     1101706 ~ship destroyed~   417
  13 Star Trader                 [~~~] L.Cru     1064951 ~ship destroyed~     1
  14 Star Ranger                 [WDM] L.Cru      924747 ~ship destroyed~    33
  15 Shadows of the Past         [ACE] L.Cru      693380 ~ship destroyed~   436
  16 reflections                 [ACE] L.Cru      667289 ~ship destroyed~   408
  17 kirshaw                     [~~~] L.Cru      511555 ~ship destroyed~   378
  18 ace of spades               [ACE] L.Cru      437205 ~ship destroyed~   438
  19 unsigned int                [~~~] L.Cru      404070 ~ship destroyed~   447
  20 SSSS                        [~~~] L.Cru      379337 ~ship destroyed~   449
  21 sssss                       [~~~] L.Cru      379287 ~ship destroyed~   448
  22 Aji                         [~~~] L.Cru      309841 ~ship destroyed~   445
  23 hydrogen                    [~~~] L.Cru      293537 ~ship destroyed~   444
  24 papercut                    [GST] L.Cru      256037 ~ship destroyed~   422
  25 conquest                    [ACE] L.Cru      212822 ~ship destroyed~   159
  26 jimun                       [~~~] L.Cru      162855 ~ship destroyed~   443
  27 Talon_Jasra                 [~~~] L.Cru      148305 ~ship destroyed~     8
  28 praveena                    [~~~] L.Cru      120305 ~ship destroyed~   442
  29 pravi                       [~~~] L.Cru      120105 ~ship destroyed~   441
  30 mark420                     [~~~] L.Cru       85905 ~ship destroyed~   440
  31 carter                      [~~~] L.Cru       73205 ~ship destroyed~   446
  32 aasd                        [~~~] L.Cru       73205 ~ship destroyed~   450
 450 pathological                [GST] L.Cru       27021 ~ship destroyed~   393

I destroyed every single ship except my own, which is probably why bestark came after me 😉
Next round Ray is promising changes. The bug will be fixed and another glitch causing people to run out of time will be fixed. The biggest change will be that wormholes will interlink the outer galaxies with others of their kind (bar, irregular, cluster, etc.)

*lets out a little ‘woohoo’ for getting the format right for scores

New 70-Day Game

A new space tyrant game has started. Unfortunatly, you can’t view the previous game’s results. For the most part, the order was (by player name, not ship name)
Bestark, Mirari, Ray, M.O.G, Star Ranger
I’m looking forward to seeing more people in this next round. Look out for my ships: Conquest, Mirari, Bloodquest, Spiral (cheating ship), Reflections, Shadows, Shadows of the Past, Blackjack, Ace of Spades and Jackpot!! on team [ACE] Starship Trader’s Casino (my unnoficial title while under g’s wing)
Laters, Mir

Most Active Ships: Ed. 5

I have come up with roughly the most active ships. This is not based on how often one logs in, but rather, what one does when logged in. (Just sitting in bunker and talking, like me, is not active)
Bestark … [B.M;MPE]
Canopus … [B.M]
Dragglett … [TCW]
Mirari … [MSS;SOP]
Vanguard … [VAN]
Wizard … [WWS]
Killer Cool … [NET]
Talon Jarsa … [MSS]
Krazy … [KRY]
Duks … [MSS]
Doc … [DOC]
Goat Face Killer (GFK) … [MSS;VRS]
Nimrod … [MSS]
Sniffer … [NET]
Bassbusta … [SOP]
Noise … [ISC]
Sick Society … [SS!]

Cookie-Monster 5 … [_A_]
Ubertrader … [TF3]
Mootpoint … [—]
Bestark … [—]
Direbmem … [BIC]

The Green Lantern … [UND]
note: not to my knowledge the AMC one, rather Underdog, on team MSS
Wrestlemania … [TGK]
Mirari … [_._]
note: tried to get it to look like something (hehe)
Chronoflux … [LIM]
The Masked Trader … [—]

Space Tyrant
Bestark … [—;MKS]
Ghost … [mog]
Mirari … [MSS]
Markus … [MKS]
Ray … [ST!]

If you have any updates, or I forgot you, post a comment and I’ll edit the list.

Space Tyrant for Dummies

With Space Tyrant now online, I hope that more people will try it out. But before people get into it, there are a few hints that can help you. First off, there is one thing you need to know over all others. Upgrades / Ship Customization are PERMANENT. When you launch your ship, you may find yourself in an unfamiliar type of galaxy. The main galaxy is an Elliptical galaxy. I can best describe it as a 1-way with direction. If this were a physical object, it would resemble a young child’s attempt to cut a strip of paper. The exit numbers are random in legnth, but always go up or down. With the only way to play in telnet, Ray decided to make it even simpler than the other telnet interfaces. Each exit has a corresponding number, and by typing in that number, you can travel to that sector. Becuase S.T. is in real-time, the autopilot had to be reconfigured. To use the auto-pilot, type 0, then enter your destination. The next thing you need to do is upgrade your ship. Trading posts are located at sector 1, then 2001, 4001 etc.. The trading posts have a large neutral fig cover, so they are great early on for hiding. Uprading is one of the most important parts of the game, as this action is irreversable, and will decide how you play the game. Buy you holds last, for if you have empty spaces that could be filled by devices, they will instead be filled with holds if you are not careful. There are 5 spaces for devices and 95 spaces for holds, if you have more than 135 holds, then the extra holds will be taken from you device space. Hard-core traders will want to buy 5 Tractor Devices. With one and two tractor devices, you can nudge only ports. When you get 3, you can warp planets. With 4 tractor devices, you can nudge ports and planets into nebulas, and with 5 you nudge ports and planets out of nebulas. Combat computers give you a .1 and .2 defensive bonus with 1 and 2 of the uprades respectively. When you hit 3, you get a .3 defensive AND offensive bonus. With 4 and 5 Combat Computers, you get a .4 and a .5 bonus in offensive and defensive. The next feature is truly original. Ship scanners are just what they sound like: they automatically scan for nearby ships. Unfair? Well, they made the decision to get them and you didnt 😛 With only 1 or 2 of these devices, they are useless. If you get 3 of them, they can search the nearest 600 sectors, 300 in each direction for nearby ships. With 4, that number jumps to 1200 sectors, or 600 in each way. The ultimate scout has 5 of these devices, which allows that person to search 1800 sectors for ships, 900 in each direction. Doing this action takes up about 2.5 kg of fuel. To make it fair, Ray made it not fully efficient, so it is MUCH more difficult to find someone with scanners under neutral fig cover or a starbase. Which brings me to hiding. Starbase prices are always changed to confuse us, but this time, they also decided to make a #1 starbase have a defensive power of 25. The starting price for a #1 sb is 9375. (See the starbase chart at the end of this post) To get starbases and fighters, you can’t “make” them, you buy them, which takes away the need for hardware and iron. Grafitti beacons have been eliminated as well. On to making money. Sure the main galaxy is good, but there’s much more to be done than the elliptical. If you explore enough, you find out that there are other galaxies. You can find out what sectors have galaxies in them because they have a ‘~’ next to the sector #. To travel to that galaxy, type the button ‘t’. There is one seperate galaxy every 2000 sectors, with a size of 8000 sectors! The galaxy types are not always corresponding to the ones in TLF. A bar galaxy is the same as a bar in TLF (that appears to be the most common type.) Giant Globular is like a giant cube galaxy. The cubes are 100 sectors. The Dense Clusters are the same as back in TLF, but not as dense. The biggest change is the Open Clusters. These galaxies are the same as 6-ways in the main game. This is by far the best type of galaxy. The reason is the simplicity. Just type in ‘x’ to find the nearest planet, then ‘/’ to travel there, then ‘x’ to scoop the planet, then ‘/’ to go to a random neighboring sector. The last thing is productivity. Always, when in a seperate galaxy than the main one, check the productivity of the galaxy. It ranges from 700%-1000%, compared to the 500% of the elliptical. I was lucky enough to find a 959% Open Cluster. Watch your productivity per kg of fuel, a good amount would be 2000 and a great amount will be around 2400. Fuel is abundant, with 1kg being issued every minute! Other hints: Access the player statistics by pressing ‘p’ you don’t need a stastics module. Locate a planet with ‘l’ or ‘x’ Type in ‘?’ to view the other commands. So take a look around…What’s to loose?

Starbase Costs
(These costs are from scratch, to find the upgrade cost, just use the previous cost)
#1 – 9375
#2 – 18750
#3 – 37500
#4 – 75000
#5 – 150000
#6 – 300000
#7 – 600000
#8 – 1200000
#9 – 2400000
#10 – 4800000
#11 – 9600000
#12 – 19200000
#13 – 38400000
#14 – 76800000
#15 – 153600000
#16 – 307200000
#17 – 614400000 (Ray told me it’s been done before)

I hope to see you playing. My ship’s name is Conquest and has the top spot 😉
