The organisation that hosts the DNS records for has apparently been suffering from Denial Of Service (DOS) attacks the last couple of days.
So for all those having trouble accessing, try using the IP Address instead.
Yet another TLR/SST fansite
The organisation that hosts the DNS records for has apparently been suffering from Denial Of Service (DOS) attacks the last couple of days.
So for all those having trouble accessing, try using the IP Address instead.
The round is over… Artemis has finished first again!
And congratulations to Amber, whose team took out 1st position!!!
Here’s the top 10, the full list is on the next page.
______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ N00B1E Tyrant+7 [BAP] 1 CFp 67926999 320001s RAVEN The Morrigan [WWW] 2 CFp 58283690 240001s CAPTAINBLASTO +Overlord+ [WWW] 3 JBp 44311768 80001s HERO76 Scoundrel+6 [---] 4 CBp 37044025 160001s VINYL TRIXTA +Darkside Soljah+ [BBH] 5 CPr 35833498 160001s KRAZY +Overlord+ [AOA] 6 JPr 33518604 320001s BOT BET1 +Czar+ [---] 7 Fan 32622780 160001s SIVART Outlaw+3 [---] 8 CGa 32165405 320001s SONG SUNG BLUE +Czar+ [AOA] 9 CPr 32105339 160001s TOW Hunter+1 [DBH] 10 CFp 31910238 320001s
And now for something different, here’s the top 5 teams for this round!
______________Gang_Name________________ Abbrev. Rank Score (1000s) Angels of Amber [AOA] 1 190738 Return of the Spiders [ROS] 2 181437 Welly Wascally Wabbits [WWW] 3 173371 Deliverance [DBH] 4 173166 Bits and Pieces [BAP] 5 136930
For the full listing click here
It’s old news, but I have to post something here!
There’s good news for all of those people who don’t like the Resort theme of the current official game, Dragelet has decided to host his own game at
The games at this site will only be classic styled games (no Resorts in sight!) and all players have to take their ships through a ladder game before they make it to the full size mapped (currently running under the name ELF – Extended Last Frontier).
In an attempt to hinder cheating, the admins have added the ability to see what IP addresses players have been using. In principle this is a good idea, but in reality the determined cheaters out there will just learn to be more careful. It also makes it harder to run Indie/Spy ships, but not impossible.
The real bad news though is that the client port has been disabled. Even though there have been plenty of posts acknowledging that most bots work in telnet & http mode, the game administrators have decided that the biggest threat to the integrity of the games are client users?
There has been a big recruiting theme on the boards of both TLR & SST, and the radio logs of both games almost always seem to contain a reference to this new game.
My take on all of this? It’s kind of obvious, the current settings of TLR are a major hinderance, so a lot of players will be moving to the new game simply because it’s easier! The new game will also serve the task of being a training area for those players who haven’t been able to compete with the really skilled players that have been dominating the TLR universe!
I hope everyone enjoys the new game, and when they’re after a real challenge they just need to remember to visit!
The round is over… congrats to D00B1E (Artemis) for taking out the top spot!
As for me, I was only running a single ship part time this round… and I still managed to get a better score/ranking than proper players like BULLET (I guess he shot himself in the foot with that statement (pun intended))
Here’s the top 10, the full list is on the next page.
______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ D00B1E Predator+8 [RCB] 1 CFp 53213320 400001s KEEPYERAIRON Assassin+0 [HT3] 2 Fpa 47862302 1s SEDGEWICK THIRD BY A WHISKER [I_O] 3 CFp 46678521 80001s AFROMAN (in hospital) [HT3] 4 CFp 46628649 400001s BOOM BOOM Ruffian+7 [HT3] 5 Fan 45472267 240001s G00B1E Predator+1 [RCB] 6 CBp 42995081 1s MIGHTY QUIN RegisteredTrademark[QRM] 7 JPr 41843136 240001s CHAOS Ruffian+8 [---] 8 CBp 41408797 400001s SPIDER2000 +Czar+ [---] 9 CGa 37555921 80001s ZOOT_SUIT +Czar+ [---] 10 JGa 36005212 480001s
For the full listing click here
Looks like Ray accidently lost the final rankings… which I found out about after I had cleared the history from my client!
Luckily Amber had the foresight to save some of the rankings as she logged out…
______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ KRAFTY +Czar+ [RDC] 1 SFr 520104200 1s KATRINA +Overlord+ [---] 2 HCr 450822814 1s POKEY +Czar+ [RDC] 3 SFr 443710707 1s KRANKY +Czar+ [RDC] 4 JFp 423046878 Helene KREEPY +Overlord+ [RDC] 5 JFp 350729397 Helene AMBER +Czar+ [AOA] 6 JPr 344912657 Io WINNIETHEPOOH (in hospital) [RDC] 7 SFr 343995759 1s AYRADYSS +Czar+ [AOA] 8 HLi 343424690 1440001s BESTARK (in hospital) [RDC] 9 SFr 331520359 1s KRAZY +Czar+ [RDC] 10 JFp 322718411 Nereid
To see the rest click here
What a weird day… it almost seemed like I was destined not to log on.
Continue reading “The last hours of Round 2”
Welcome to my TLR/SST website.
I’ll be using this site to publish details about my client and all of the dirty little tricks I use to play the game
At the moment all I have are some screen shots of my old client, and some screen shots that Bestark has shared with me.
Feel free to post any comments you want…
And if you want to add your own content, let me know and I’ll bump up your access!