TLF-20070619 Rankings

Update time.

A couple of items to report:
*Confirmed sightings of returning vets (ILLQO, SHADOW & VENOM)
*One of the score bug infected ships refuses to stay dead, and has been seen jumping from team to team.
*Player Rankings have change just a little bit… 3 extra NET ships are now in the top 10.


______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Team  Rank Ship __Score__ _Region_
RAGEAGAINSTTHEMACHINE     (in hospital)     [NET]   1* Cor 4261589206 1600001s
BIKINI COMMANDO          King of the Breasts[NET]   2* HFr 1487817137  200001s
BLAH                     What - Me Worry?   [TCW]   3* HFr 1445188323  480001s
PRIME MOVER              OPTIMUS            [NET]   4* HFr 1443825885 1560001s
LIQUOR                   Dont even know her![NET]   5* HFr 1440159717  400001s
JUME                     Who May?           [TCW]   6* HFr 1417235355       1s
DRAGELET                 Fake Retired Too   [TCW]   7* HFr 1410229225  880001s
TAR                      Nicotine           [TCW]   8* HFr 1370258303  480001s
DOCTORZ                  Retired +1         [DOC]   9* HFr 1361702801  400001s
AXE1                     +9/11 Memorial+    [NET]  10* HFr 1340801090  760001s

______________Team_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Netrek                                    [NET]      1      40921144
Blood Money                               [B.M]      2      40753404
The Void's Devourers                      [TVD]      3      35237446
Mercantile Partners Empire                [MPE]      4      33421115
The Commonwealth                          [TCW]      5      33349931

TLF-20070521 Rankings

The scores have changed a bit in the last 3 weeks…

Drag’s attack was of course mainly focused on Team KRY (no surprises there), so of course my meagre little team suffered a drastic team score drop.

Good news: It looks like Drag has officially retired.
Bad news: A recently discovered scoring bug has left one of his ships with an almost impossible score to beat.
Good news: Drag is gone
Bad news: KC has taken over the vast TCW empire…
Good news: KC will of course obey the ship limit and only run 16 ships (Yeah right!) Drag has retired!
Bad news: Mir = DBD (unconfirmed and unfounded Sorry Mir, couldn’t help myself!)
Good news: Thousands of farm planets have been uncovered! and Drag has retired!


Did I mention Drag has retired?

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Team  Rank Ship __Score__ _Region_
RAGEAGAINSTTHEMACHINE    +Overlord+         [NET]   1* Cor 4151305190  200001s
DARKFURY                  (in hospital)     [MPE]   2* SFr 4068435063 1120001s
BLAH                     What - Me Worry?   [TCW]   3* HFr 1445188323  480001s
LIQUOR                   Dont even know her![NET]   4* HFr 1435834497  400001s
JUME                     Who May?           [TCW]   5* HFr 1417235355       1s
DRAGELET                 Fake Retired Too   [TCW]   6* HFr 1410229225  880001s
TAR                      Nicotine           [TCW]   7* HFr 1370258303  480001s
DOCTORZ                  Retired +1         [DOC]   8* HFr 1361500850 1760001s
BIKINI COMMANDO          King of the Breasts[NET]   9* HLi 1355679295  200001s
WHITE WIZARD             Emperor+7          [WWS]  10* HFr 1329048650  880001s

______________Team_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Blood Money                               [B.M]      1      40298317
The Commonwealth                          [TCW]      2      35873486
The Void's Devourers                      [TVD]      3      35237686
Netrek                                    [NET]      4      27596605
The Varangian Guard                       [TVG]      5      27131920

TLR-20070521-6W Rankings

Newsflash, new player wins round at TLR!

Bot Collector must have dozed off this round 😛

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
FELYZA                   Commodore+7        [---]   1  SDe   41510934  384001s
BESTARK                  +Czar+             [---]   2  CFp   35233785   Nereid
POKEY                    Try Space Tyrant ;)[---]   3  CFp   35124343   Nereid
THE BOT COLLECTOR        I want my client ;([TF3]   4  SFr   30962503  320001s
UBERTRADER               +Czar+             [TF3]   5  SFr   30498489   32001s
SHADOWS                  Minor Tyrant+3     [---]   6  HLi   25313590  336001s
MARCO_JEEZ               Back in black!     [ROA]   7  HLi   21874856  384001s
RAVEN                    The Morrigan       [---]   8  CFp   21113864   Nereid
MR. JERK                 +Czar+             [ROA]   9  HLi   20319301  176001s
CHAMPION WOMBAT          +Czar+             [TF3]  10  CGa   18658911  Miranda

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
The Fabulous Fig Fighters                 [TF3]      1         97021
Return of the Ancients                    [ROA]      2         75897

TLF-20070502 Rankings

Time to update the ranks.

It’s been very quiet, the imminent threat of mass destruction seems to have scared some players away, so not much has changed in the last 3 weeks.

  • A new team has appeared [XIT], made up of former TCW ships.
  • The retirement party has been postponed… It’s now booked tentatively for the 15th of May. Don’t forget to send your RSVP’s!
  • [B.M] & [TCW] have switched places in the team rankings…

That’s it for now…


______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Team  Rank Ship __Score__ _Region_
DRAGELET                 Fake Retired Too   [TCW]   1* HFr 1464439521  960001s
JUME                     Who May?           [TCW]   2* HFr 1461013973       1s
LIQUOR                   Dont even know her![TCW]   3* HFr 1426950620  400001s
TAR                      Nicotine           [TCW]   4* HFr 1424269340  480001s
BLAH                     What - Me Worry?   [TCW]   5* HFr 1400043617  480001s
DOCTORZ                  Retired +1         [DOC]   7* HFr 1361500850 1760001s
BIKINI COMMANDO          King of the Breasts[WWS]   8* HLi 1354251882  200001s
POUND OF FLESH           Where's my         [TCW]   9* HFr 1331630370  480001s
WHITE WIZARD             Emperor+7          [WWS]  10* HFr 1329048650  880001s

______________Team_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Blood Money                               [B.M]      1      39770187
The Commonwealth                          [TCW]      2      37141865
The Void's Devourers                      [TVD]      3      35237686
The Varangian Guard                       [TVG]      4      27131921
Freedom                                   [KRY]      5      21046733

Space Tyrant Results – Round 1

This last round was ended abruptly by Ray due to a major glitch I found. With 3+ Scanners, you scan ships, which takes up fuel. It is possible to get negative fuel. Then after waiting 1 minute, you get 50,400,000 grams of fuel, or half a games worth. Repeat as desired.

You get the picture. This led to some major scores. Here’s the results (My ship, spiral, would be up near Bestark’s [test] but he killed it twice, and due to another glitch, test’s score appears to be negative, also, for some reason, pathological is ranked at 450, which is very odd because his score was around 11,000,000 before I destroyed it, such a large drop)

Rank ________Player Name________ Team_ Ship_ ___Score___ _____Galaxy_____ _Tag_
   1 test                        [Q&A] Huntr  -2123412843 Algol               77
   2 spiral                      [ACE] L.Cru   385963889 ~ship destroyed~   309
   3 Fleet Tender                [WDM] L.Cru   327568354 ~ship destroyed~   433
   4 bloodquest                  [ACE] Freig    27626634 Sabik              184
   5 Ghost                       [GST] L.Cru     4531355 ~ship destroyed~   392
   6 Bestark                     [Q&A] L.Cru     3033705 Algol                2
   7 mirari                      [ACE] L.Cru     2852344 ~ship destroyed~   157
   8 Phantom                     [GST] L.Cru     2101810 ~ship destroyed~   419
   9 Jackpot!!                   [ACE] L.Cru     2073563 ~ship destroyed~   439
  10 Target Drone                [~~~] L.Cru     1154822 ~ship destroyed~    10
  11 blackjack                   [ACE] L.Cru     1127105 ~ship destroyed~   437
  12 shadows                     [ACE] L.Cru     1101706 ~ship destroyed~   417
  13 Star Trader                 [~~~] L.Cru     1064951 ~ship destroyed~     1
  14 Star Ranger                 [WDM] L.Cru      924747 ~ship destroyed~    33
  15 Shadows of the Past         [ACE] L.Cru      693380 ~ship destroyed~   436
  16 reflections                 [ACE] L.Cru      667289 ~ship destroyed~   408
  17 kirshaw                     [~~~] L.Cru      511555 ~ship destroyed~   378
  18 ace of spades               [ACE] L.Cru      437205 ~ship destroyed~   438
  19 unsigned int                [~~~] L.Cru      404070 ~ship destroyed~   447
  20 SSSS                        [~~~] L.Cru      379337 ~ship destroyed~   449
  21 sssss                       [~~~] L.Cru      379287 ~ship destroyed~   448
  22 Aji                         [~~~] L.Cru      309841 ~ship destroyed~   445
  23 hydrogen                    [~~~] L.Cru      293537 ~ship destroyed~   444
  24 papercut                    [GST] L.Cru      256037 ~ship destroyed~   422
  25 conquest                    [ACE] L.Cru      212822 ~ship destroyed~   159
  26 jimun                       [~~~] L.Cru      162855 ~ship destroyed~   443
  27 Talon_Jasra                 [~~~] L.Cru      148305 ~ship destroyed~     8
  28 praveena                    [~~~] L.Cru      120305 ~ship destroyed~   442
  29 pravi                       [~~~] L.Cru      120105 ~ship destroyed~   441
  30 mark420                     [~~~] L.Cru       85905 ~ship destroyed~   440
  31 carter                      [~~~] L.Cru       73205 ~ship destroyed~   446
  32 aasd                        [~~~] L.Cru       73205 ~ship destroyed~   450
 450 pathological                [GST] L.Cru       27021 ~ship destroyed~   393

I destroyed every single ship except my own, which is probably why bestark came after me 😉
Next round Ray is promising changes. The bug will be fixed and another glitch causing people to run out of time will be fixed. The biggest change will be that wormholes will interlink the outer galaxies with others of their kind (bar, irregular, cluster, etc.)

*lets out a little ‘woohoo’ for getting the format right for scores

TLF-20070410 Rankings

Not sure if I should do this again… last time I posted the rankings I obviously upset some people who felt it was necessary to knock my ships out of the top 20 😉

It’ll be interesting to see what the rankings will be like at the end of the month when Dragelet has his ‘retirement party’. I’ve been hearing a lot of different rumours on what retirement actually means, and I’m sure it’s purely coincidental that non-TCW teams and indies have ensured that TCW ships are on top for this historical event!


______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Team  Rank Ship __Score__ _Region_ 
DRAGELET                 Fake Retired Too   [TCW]   1* HFr 1463201791  960001s
JUME                     Who May?           [TCW]   2* HFr 1460073860       1s
LIQUOR                   Dont even know her![TCW]   3* HFr 1448119303  400001s
TAR                      Nicotine           [TCW]   4* HFr 1423117372  480001s
BLAH                     What - Me Worry?   [TCW]   5* HFr 1422608097 1480001s
DOCTORZ                  Retired +1         [DOC]   7* HFr 1361504850 1760001s
BIKINI COMMANDO          King of the Breasts[WWS]   8* HLi 1340839521  200001s
POUND OF FLESH           Where's my         [TCW]   9* HFr 1330809426  480001s
WHITE WIZARD             Emperor+7          [WWS]  10* HFr 1329048650  880001s

______________Team_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s) 
The Commonwealth                          [TCW]      1      49017903
Blood Money                               [B.M]      2      37900439
The Void's Devourers                      [TVD]      3      35253527
The Varangian Guard                       [TVG]      4      27131929
Freedom                                   [KRY]      5      20591521


Here’s the results from the latest round of TLR.

Ubertrader (BC) has finished in the top spot… Bestark a close second!

Good news, the number of registered ships has gone up this round!

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ 
UBERTRADER               Try Space Tyrant!  [TF3]   1  JFp   52225825  Larissa
BESTARK                  Space Tyrant Rocks![---]   2  CFp   52014931   Tethys
COOKIE_MONSTER5          +Czar+             [_A_]   3  JPr   34088498       Io
COOKIE-MONSTER5          Space Tyrant+5     [_A_]   4  SLi   33077215   16001s
COOKIE+MONSTER5          Warlord+4          [_A_]   5  Lin   31751061  112001s
MEMBERID                 Tactician+9        [BIC]   6  HLi   31184281  288001s
COOKIE MONSTER5          Admiral+9          [_A_]   7  HLi   26854696   32001s
MOOTPOINT                Nomad+7            [---]   8  JPr   21376120       Io
RAGNAR                   Ranger+9           [---]   9  Fre   18165990  320001s
CRUSOE                   Nomad+8            [---]  10  Fpa   13179555       Io

And here’s the Team rankings from this round

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s) 
The A Team                                [_A_]      1        125770
The Fabulous Fig Fighters                 [TF3]      2         52225
wow, fenris, horde                        [BIC]      3         31184

For the full listings click here

TLF-20070301 Rankings

There’s been a lot of activity in the endless game (TLF) over the last couple of months, and I felt it was time to start capturing the TLF rankings as well.

Part of my reasons for doing this is a bit self serving… I’m quite pleased with the progress of my ships.

I was a newbie when my first ship (MAGELITE) entered the TLF universe. Several months later I got 3 of the KR***Y ships promoted, and once I got the hang of running 4 ships, I began working on getting the next 3 KR***Y ships through the entry games.

I’ve survived being on DBD’s ‘hated list’, and eventually became a member of the ANS/MPE/DBD alliance. That was when control of the ROBOTTT ships was handed to me. (ROBOTTT10 was also given to me, but the ship limiter prevented me from utilising it… DBD borrowed this ship during his fall from grace)

So as I stated before, my progress through the ranks has been very satisfying 🙂


______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Team  Rank Ship __Score__ _Region_ 
BLAH                     What - Me Worry?   [TCW]   1* HFr 1420280064  480001s 
JUME                     Who May?           [TCW]   2* HFr 1393986042       1s 
LIQUOR                   Dont even know her![TCW]   3* HFr 1379619756  400001s 
DRAGELET                 Fake Retired Too   [TCW]   4* HFr 1377145019  960001s 
KRAZY                    +Overlord+         [KRY]   5* HFr 1375054196 1000001s 
MAGELITE                 I'm not a torch!   [KRY]   6* HFr 1372281114 1000001s 
KREAKY                   +Overlord+         [KRY]   7* HFr 1369819437 1000001s 
TAR                      Nicotine           [TCW]   8* HFr 1358821078  480001s 
KRANKY                   +Overlord+         [KRY]   9* HFr 1349747452 1000001s 
KRISPY                   +Overlord+         [KRY]  10* HFr 1336359871 1000001s 

______________Team_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s) 
The Commonwealth                          [TCW]      1      43939979 
Blood Money                               [B.M]      2      41055945 
The Void's Devourers                      [TVD]      3      35124425 
The Varangian Guard                       [TVG]      4      27131934 
Freedom                                   [KRY]      5      21733059 


Better late than never… I missed the reset, so had to wait until the next round started before I could get the rankings.

What a quiet round!
Shadows took out the number one position, and his team was also the highest ranked (pretty easy if there’s no other teams!)

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ 
SHADOWS                  Commander+9        [SOP]   1  HDe   46808787  176001s 
MIR                      Lieutenant+4       [SOP]   2  HFr   44163483   32001s 
QUIETLY                  +Czar+             [---]   3  JGa   32291472       Io 
AYRADYSS                 +Czar+             [---]   4  HLi   26897789       1s 
PANZERIV                  (in hospital)     [---]   5  SLi   17213958  192001s 
GESTALT                  +Czar+             [---]   6  Lin   14279790  304001s 
WHITEFIRE                +Czar+             [---]   7  CPr   13269671       Io 
GOLDENTIDE               +Czar+             [---]   8  SLi   12773168   64001s 
KRAZY                    +Czar+             [---]   9  HFr    9266573   48001s 
RAVEN                    +Overlord+         [---]  10  Tra    8699059  224001s

And here’s the Team rankings from this round

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s) 
Shadows of the Past                       [SOP]      1         90971

For the full listings click here


That’s it for another round of TLR.

Congratulations to Bot Collector for taking out first place!
And we have a new team taking the #1 team position… led by the ruthless KC too!

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_ 
THE BOT COLLECTOR        +Czar+             [TF3]   1  CGa   82415554     Luna 
KRANKY                   +Czar+             [---]   2  JFp   81736337  Umbriel 
UBERTRADER               +Czar+             [---]   3  JFp   81150346  Titania 
KRAFTY                   +Czar+             [---]   4  JFp   77074432  Umbriel 
GESTALT                  +BARSHIPMASTER+    [BAR]   5  HLi   46963494  320001s 
DUKS DINGY               Commodore+6        [RFI]   6  HCr   46247159  256001s 
AYRADYSS                 +Czar+             [AOA]   7  JPr   40439985   Charon 
FISHHUNTER               Predator+4         [SG1]   8  HCr   37763693   64001s 
FROSTI                   +Overlord+         [---]   9  HCr   37257069  336001s 
NOTREDAME                Ruffian+4          [SG1]  10  JPr   36176323   Oberon

And here’s the Team rankings from this round

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s) 
Stargate SG-1                             [SG1]      1        191024 
Angels of Amber                           [AOA]      2        144111 
Resort Farmers Inc.                       [RFI]      3        118160 
The Fabulous Fig Fighters                 [TF3]      4         82415 
The Publicans Union                       [BAR]      5         46963

For the full listings click here
