TLR-20071223-13W Rankings

That’s the end of another round. RDC dominated the rankings again, but only due to some players falling victim to real life…

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
GUMBY                    +Czar+             [RDC]   1  CFp  390428238   Europa
BESTARK                  +Czar+             [RDC]   2  CFp  382151043   Europa
POKEY                    +Czar+             [RDC]   3  JFp  367285753   Europa
KRAZY                    +Czar+             [RDC]   4  JFp  344524623    Dione
KRAFTY                   +Czar+             [RDC]   5  JFp  322626438    Dione
KREEPY                   +Czar+             [RDC]   6  JFp  320546921    Dione
KRANKY                   +Czar+             [RDC]   7  JFp  316760675    Dione
STARFURY                 +Czar+             [RDC]   8  CFp  313520898   Europa
SOLDIER                  ~Buffalo~          [SAS]   9  HBa  182348726  480001s
TRINITY                  Tycoon+1           [---]  10  JFp   86946680   Tethys

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Resort Development Cooperative            [RDC]      1       2757840
Saints And Soldiers                       [SAS]      2        182348
Hell's Satans                             [666]      3        114898

Tactic #1: Know your game server(s)!

Here’s the first post in a (hopefully) ongoing series of hints and tips…

What do you do if the game server doesn’t appear to be working? You try to browse to and your web browser times out or gives you some type of error message.

Unless the server has completely died or the hosting ISP has gone out of business, there’s a good chance it’s only a minor problem with DNS or a rogue process on the server.

That’s where this handy table comes into play… it’s got all the info that a player needs to access the games directly! 😀

Game Server IP Address Http Telnet Client
TLR 80 23 666
TLF 1880 1823 1866
ST N/A 9999 N/A
ELF 1080 23 N/A


Note: The problem this past weekend on only affected the TLR game… TLF & ST were still up and running, you just needed to remember what ports they use!
Note: I’m unable to confirm the ELF information as I still seem to be banned/blocked… 😛

TLR is offline

I guess the title says it all…

I’ve been told an email has been sent to Ray, so I guess we’re playing the waiting game now 🙂

BTW I’ve reset the data for my online graph of TLR to just before the problem occured. The graph showed that over a 2 hour period the number of users gradually reached over 100. Since nobody was actually able to log in the graph isn’t that useful.


Comvatars out, Gravatar in

I’ve finally gotten around to changing the Avatar system for this blog.

The old avatar plugin (Comvatars) was cute, but only had a limited number of images that could be used.

The new avatar plugin uses images from, which allows any image a user may want to be their avatar.

So go visit and sign up for a gravatar.


TLR-20070924-6W Rankings

Another round has passed… no teams this round…

BUT, we’ve been promised a return of the game settings that TLR originally had! 1000+ productivity guaranteed in every resort.

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
WYNDROSE                 Explorer+6         [---]   1  JPl   20154184       Io
BULL_831                 Minor Tyrant+4     [---]   2  HFr   14843699  240001s
BATU KHAN                Lord of All Things [---]   3  Fan    7965139       Io
BESTARK                  +Czar+             [---]   4  Spo    6506009  Titania
KRAZY                    +Czar+             [---]   5  Fan    5482269       Io
BABYLON 5                Warlord+0          [---]   6  Fan    5430798       Io
MISDIRECTION             Tourist+0          [---]   7  Fan    5412920       Io
TANADOR                  Tourist+0          [---]   8  Fan    5410756       Io
DAMIAN                   Tourist+0          [---]   9  Fan    5408760       Io
SILVER                   Tourist+0          [---]  10  Fan    5407647       Io

TLF-20070910 Rankings

Update time!!!

Major movements in the ranks as a lot of people take their frustrations out on KC.

Kudos to Duks & the remaining loyal MSS players who have played a major part in the destruction over the last couple of weeks!
And I also have to thank Bestark, for his determination to see so many MPE ships on the first page 😀

More to come, as KC prepares his counter attack… decisions decisions, which ships out of his inherited hundreds will he use?


______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Team  Rank Ship __Score__ _Region_
KREAKY                   +Overlord+         [MPE]   1* HFr 1406990616  200001s
KRANKY                   +Overlord+         [MPE]   2* HFr 1400981963  720001s
MAGELITE                 +Overlord+         [MPE]   3* HFr 1387263456  480001s
PRIME MOVER              OPTIMUS            [NET]   4* HFr 1384572515 1560001s
KRAZY                    Just a little bit  [MPE]   5* HFr 1369898094  760001s
DOCTORZ                  Retired +1         [DOC]   6* HFr 1362540645  400001s
DOC6                     Not Doc            [DOC]   7* HFr 1352769009   40001s
KRAFTY                   +Overlord+         [MPE]   8* HFr 1344905824  640001s
HUNTRESS                 Emperor+1          [B.M]   9* SFr 1342780662 1160001s
DOC5                     Retired +7         [DOC]  10* HFr 1340297502  640001s

______________Team_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Mercantile Partners Empire                [MPE]      1      59327605
Blood Money                               [B.M]      2      48545827
Netrek                                    [NET]      3      42581502
The Void's Devourers                      [TVD]      4      35232907
The Commonwealth                          [TCW]      5      29269891

The beginning of the End?

There’s yet another sour taste in the air at TLF…

MSS has been betrayed by one of it’s own, and the identity of my self proclaimed nemesis may have been revealed… or at least the substitute identity.

Most of these events occurred whilst I wasn’t around, so may not be entirely accurate. The order may not be correct either 😛

  • DPS attacks MPE farms, and gets MSS & COG to assist.
  • Mir announces his retirement, and has left his ships with the ship sitter (KC)
  • Cleanup of inactive NET ships upsets KC, attacks on MPE/B.M assets begin.
  • All hell breaks loose when MSS is allowed to claim planets from a NET farm that is being uncovered.
  • NET attacks MSS, and it is revealed that KC has access to more than just Mir’s ships on MSS… apparently Nimrod, ABCD & DFGH have been under KC’s control for a while (I’m guessing since the retirement of another player)

The future of MSS now looks shaky as the betrayal appears to have broken their morale…
All I want to say is, don’t just give up… don’t hand your ships over to someone else… liquidate everything and hit those who have betrayed you!

There’s probably more to the story than what I’ve posted here. If anyone wants to help fill in the gaps let me know!

Oh yeah, I’ve finally had some feedback on the state of the ELF server.
Apparently the server was due to be upgraded the week before the online graphs went insane.
There’s no explanation of why the strange data was generated, or why I’ve been blocked from accessing the server… but my informant is worried about possible backlash from the admins, so has asked me not to identify who they are.

See my paranoia is contagious! 😀

TLR-20070813-6W Rankings

Has it been 6 weeks already?

At least we had teams formed this round!

______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Gang  Rank Pack __Score__ _Region_
GUMBY                    +Czar+             [RDC]   1  CFp   97995300   Bianca
POKEY                    +Czar+             [RDC]   2  CFp   97751086   Bianca
BESTARK                  +Czar+             [RDC]   3  CGa   66813324   Bianca
MISSILERACK              +Czar+             [UEF]   4  JPr   43539993  Umbriel
BLUEREVENGE              Ruffian+1          [UEF]   5  JFp   38494146  Umbriel
DREAMWEAVER              +Czar+             [RFI]   6  CFp   29655391     Rhea
MILES GLORIOSUS          Hunter+8           [UEF]   7  JFp   24124966  Umbriel
AIR FORCE ONE            Scoundrel+9        [---]   8  CGa   23545720  Siarnaq
ARMY ONE                 Hunter+7           [---]   9  CPl   22622255  Titania
SLOW RIDE                Scoundrel+8        [RFI]  10  JPl   22337436    Ariel

______________Gang_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Resort Development Cooperative            [RDC]      1        262559
United Earth Federation                   [UEF]      2        128312
Resort Farmers Inc.                       [RFI]      3         85677
Planet Strippers Inc.                     [PSI]      4         58042

TLF-20070801 Rankings

Okay, I’ll admit it, I’ve been a very lazy person… no score updates for 6 weeks?

What’s been happening lately? Not much actually, it appears to be holiday season in the northern hemisphere, resulting in even fewer players than normal 🙁

Worth mentioning though are the following two chain of events.

* Mir arranged for a ship sitter to look after his ships while he’s off.
* Mir then reported his ships stolen… all of the passwords had been changed.
* Nimrod publicly accuses KRY of stealing his teammates ships.
* The ship sitter was revealed to be KC (how many ships are you looking after now?), and Mir was able to get to his ships again.
* And the last we heard… the passwords have been changed again 😛
* And we’re still waiting for a retraction of Nimrod’s accusation! 😀

* RAGEAGAINSTTHEMACHINE was released from the hospital, with the score bug still in full effect.
* RAGEAGAINSTTHEMACHINE was returned to the hospital…
* Repeat the above two events another 20-50 times…
* RAGEAGAINSTTHEMACHINE now has a score of 0! The overflow bug that gave the ship the ridiculously high score had finally been triggered again, resulting in an underflow calculation.
* KC accuses B.M of having admin access to the server, and of tampering with the ship’s score. ROFLMAO, I challenge anyone who believes this is possible to install the SST game and to actually have a look at what options an admin actually has.

And lastly… I’ve jumped teams! I’ve joined forces with Bestark and Spiro, and my ships are now on MPE. I’m still allied with the remaining members on team KRY.


______Player_Name_______ ____Title+Level____Team  Rank Ship __Score__ _Region_
BIKINI COMMANDO          King of the Breasts[NET]   1* HFr 1490382137  200001s
PRIME MOVER              OPTIMUS            [NET]   2* HFr 1465088671 1560001s
LIQUOR                   Dont even know her![NET]   3* HFr 1456172303  400001s
BLAH                     What - Me Worry?   [TCW]   4* HFr 1445188323  480001s
JUME                     Who May?           [TCW]   5* HFr 1417235355       1s
DRAGELET                 Fake Retired Too   [TCW]   6* HFr 1410229225  880001s
AXE1                     +9/11 Memorial+    [NET]   7* HFr 1393319037  760001s
KRANKY                   +Overlord+         [MPE]   8* HFr 1376795416  720001s
TAR                      Nicotine           [TCW]   9* HFr 1370258303  480001s
DOCTORZ                  Retired +1         [DOC]  10* HFr 1362540645  400001s

______________Team_Name________________  Abbrev.  Rank   Score (1000s)
Mercantile Partners Empire                [MPE]      1      61909774
Blood Money                               [B.M]      2      43446776
Netrek                                    [NET]      3      41211663
The Void's Devourers                      [TVD]      4      35234590
The Commonwealth                          [TCW]      5      29734463

SST sites

One of the reasons I wanted to start this site was the slow disappearance of all things SST related.

If you do a web search on the terms SST / TLR / StarshipTraders / IOResort most of the entries returned are links from Web Game directories. After weeding through all these you may (if you’re lucky) find a link to something like The Wog’s old website or similiar.

The only other available sources of content are the two (three?) yahoo groups dedicated to these games… however, due to a lack of moderators, these groups only seem to be an endless source of spam.

So what can we do about this, what are our options?
1) Create new fansites! – Easy to do, however they never seem to last.
2) Get some blogs going – Even easier to do, go to,, and start writing. Blogs don’t have to have a single author/owner, and most can be imported into other blogs if something better comes along.
3) Share information and links – If you’ve got some info, get it posted somewhere!

I did some Web trawling earlier, and found an interesting players guide written by EMPNEFSI about two years ago. The original guide can be found here, but I’ve archived a copy here as well.

The trawling also turned up some blogs… World of Starship Traders, and a couple of old Vet’s appear to have started blogs. One of these vets appears to have had a Nimrod problem as well!

If you know of any fansites I don’t have listed, let me know… If you have any (constructive) ideas for this site, feel free to pass them on.

Speaking of ideas… I’m considering writing a Bunker Buster plugin for TLF. The idea is that a random bunker location will be revealed once a week… what happens to the bunker then is anyones guess. To be fair, all bunkers will be included, no Team or player favourism. No details of who the bunker belongs to, or the strength of the defences will be revealed by the plugin. Readers will be able to submit new bunker locations. 😀
